Do Sydney Libraries Have Game Zones and/or to Be Able to Borrow Games?…

You can play the latest games on our dedicated gaming computers in our libraries or borrow some to take home.

City Library, Library at The Dock and Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre each have dedicated game zones where you can play games on PC, PS4, Wii or Xbox.

You can also borrow up to three titles from our 300-plus collection for you to play at home.

Our PCs have access to Steam for online play or try out our Oculus Rift and experience virtual reality. You can also simply enjoy some good old-fashioned board and card games available to play in many of our branches.

We have a fair-use policy that helps ensure everyone can enjoy our gaming facilities by:

  • borrowing up to three games for three weeks
    • playing a maximum of one hour per day
    • not bringing any food or drink.

Contact us if you have any ideas about gaming-related activities or fill in the form below to suggest games to add to our collection.


  • +1

    Have you considered Googling or calling your library?

  • A long time ago, I think Concord library let kids borrow toys

  • I know a few librarians who might be interested in offering this, but I think the barrier is it is hard for non-gamers to easily tell which games can be easily lent/borrowed, and which are tied to online accounts and things that allow only one time DLC etc.

    Is there website that that exists that lists which games can be exchanged like this (maybe it is EB Games buying list for games?)

  • +2

    you can look up on the library database


  • a library with gaming PC's specced powerful enough to run an Oculus Rift!? They really spared no expense when it comes to 'gaming'..

    • Melbourne is always ahead of Sydney and other cities unfortunately when it comes to all things tech and gaming.

      Honestly considering relocating there maybe in the future unless Sydney steps up it's game.

      • considering relocating there

        In that case, I won't mention the 3D printing facilities in some council libraries.

    • +1

      Our library at uni (UOW Wollongong) has something like that. Some high tech VR headset thing in the main library. There are a couple of 3d printers in the library print room also. Though I dont think 3d printing is cheap.

  • Brisbane library had a gaming zone (ps4 or something) many years ago…
    All libraries are attempting to change things up, to adjust to the younger population. It is essential, in order to bring younger gen into libraries more, otherwise libraries are just an unused facility, empty, at rate payers expense.
    Check with your local libraries, they are all changing things to adjust to new demands. A library with just books would be a waste of resources, in this day and age.

    • otherwise libraries are just an unused facility, empty, at rate payers expense

      Not sure if you have visited a library recently? All the ones I go to are busy.

      • Yeah but I have never seen a gamers lounge in a library. This would be pretty awesome imho. Heck a creator's or editors lounge would be so good and a better use of tax payers money imho..with the money they spend on extra stuff like decor and some furnishing decisions I have seen in some libraries a small beefy workstation lounge wouldn't be too hard to deliver and maybe even spark something in a young or old dormant mind.

        But what do I know I'm just some random Joe Schmo from the interwebs.

  • +1

    Here in Canberra, I've asked that the libraries consider getting blu-rays instead of just dvds but no change as yet :( No games either :'(

    • Hahaha I'm still sad they closed Griffith library

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