For all you qualified CA's out there, where are you working now ie. industry, role etc.?
To provide a bit of context - I'm currently in B4 audit and will be completing my final exam (Capstone) in a couple of weeks, so I'm starting to think about the road ahead once I'm fully qualified soon. I'm sure many have went down this path before, so it'll be good to hear some of your experiences.
Not an accountant but I have an unusual amount of friends who are qualified CAs. Two friends, who worked at a B4 company, wrapped things up here then moved to London for a few years (Youth Mobility Visa then sponsored after 2 years). They loved it there and have said the UK was a great base to travel from, meet new people, earn money and garner experience. One's now working for an insurance firm and another in a major apparel company.
Another mate works for the ATO and was promoted to a managerial (executive level) role shortly after obtaining his accreditation.
Lastly, one of my family members is also a qualified CA. She's at a B4 bank in a compliance role of some sort.
Barring family/relationship commitments here it seems like the travel abroad option is great, maybe you could go as part of a transfer if you want more job certainty.