What headphones for a son turning 7 ??

Hi - my son turns 7 next month and he wanted a iPod Touch. That's not gunna happen, but I bought him a Sandisk Sansa which is very nice little device.

Earbuds and canals are too hard for a little kid - I need to buy some headphones, probably over-ear. They need to sound "good" (to him) but I want something inexpensive. $20 or so… he can always save up for sennheisers or whatever.

I was considering some Sony Bluetooth ones, so they'd be wireless but whilst good for the Netbook, it'd be a PITA for the MP3 player as I'd have to get a BT transmitter which would hang off the top and look yukky.

OK - so, what do you reckon I should get for a 7 year old?

Thanks heaps :-)


  • For a 7 year old, anything really, something flashy and designed for kids, children this age is all about how cool it looks.
    But don't get him into the audio world this early, let him find it himself that way you might last till he's 15 before asking for the big stuff.

  • These are quite expensive(approx $40)
    Ultimate Ears Loud Enough Children's Headphones
    but they are quite good for children
    otherwise, i would do what Trance N Dance suggest

  • I just found these SkullCandy copies on DX… apparently the ones supplied have the skulls on them (DX always photoshops off the logos LOL). Surprisingly good reviews…

    Black US$9.99 http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.37802

    White US$10.99 http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.37800

    I love the wooden kanen earbuds that I bought from FocalPrice, so I am searching there now.

  • something with a lot of attenuation

    • LOL - yeah, good idea. My ears are totally destroyed from multi-watt headphone amps and high-end headphones.

  • AFAIK a kid reaches his adult skull size at 6. So technically they can use adult headphones (if adult headphones are suitable is a different story)


    Just watch the volume of the device, and warn him about using headphones in public - cars/emergency vehicles etc

  • Holy hell, I'm 24 and…baaaaaack in myyyyyyyyy day….we were lucky to have a tape player with a speaker! You were even more lucky if you could run it for two hours on d-cell batteries…

    All I can recommend is, don't buy on brand name alone. For each invidiual pair you come across you might buy, google for a few reviews of the product, it'll soon tell you whether it is much chop or not (for those who feel like negging this, this will come in VERY handy).


    Unfortunately they don't seem to be much chop, but then…for the price, what is?

    • +2

      Thanks, bender.

      baaaaaack in myyyyyyyyy day….we were lucky to have a tape player with a speaker!

      LUXURY! When I was his age my dad bought me a crystal radio - hell, I had to put the thing together myself (how cheap could ya get?). It didn't even use a battery… and when I complained that the volume was low and there wasn't many stations, he told be to climb a tree with a long strand of wire to improve the reception!

      … but tell that to the young people of today, and would the believe you?


  • This may be a bit late but I just came across these and then saw your post. They come in blue which boys like, right?

    • industrie selling headphones…. now i've seen it all.

    • Thanks - they look neat!

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