Will you buy a products without comments?
If the price is good(Lower than other similar products), what are you most concerned about?
Will You Buy Something Which Have No Review but Good Price?

Do you have an example?
But yeah normally I'd like feedback from a few others before purchasing, but not always a necessity.
it is a clamp meter
Not enough criteria to answer really.
I'd buy a $3 beverage with no comments or reviews, but not a $2000 TV.
depends on price/item it self & if it's really needed
Will you buy a products without comments?
No. Would you eat food of unknown provenance?
If the price is good(Lower than other similar products), what are you most concerned about?
Thermal and electrical safety. I know it won't last because it was cheap, but I'd rather it die with a whimper than a bang :0
Bought that Bush radio a few days ago without looking in to it. Perceived value got me there I guess. Luckily it's a great sounding radio that I now use as an alarm clock.
How do you know if the price is good? If the product is no good, then no price is good.
it depends on how you use a product
i have a bunch of chinese tvs that are borderline for actual tv use and they all have terrible sound but as long as they can accept a solid hdmi signal and they can all output via 3.5mm stereo them i'm ok
you should buy an item knowing how you will use it
if a product isnt good at a thing you dont use then its not a bad product for you
probably concerned about marketing research mainly.