Hey guys, found this deal on Amazon, not to bad of a price for 8600k it's about ~$290
Intel Core i5 8600k $219 USD (~$290 AUD) + Postage @ Amazon US

Last edited 23/05/2018 - 14:29 by 1 other user

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May be a semi permanent drop because they ain't selling that well cuz of overpriced ram, cards and new board requirement.
a 'semi permanent' price drop?
It's the only way they can cut the price of semiconductors.
If they cut the semi any more, it'll be called a circumcision.
They're only 60% sure, 100% of the time.
The biggest stopper for me jumping from a 3770k is the crazy RAM price :(
Still a a good deal though. MSY have these $349 and a bit less with the 20% off eBay (not with MSY but Futu)
My delidded 3770k still chugging along nicely at 4.8ghz. I see no real benefits of upgrading just yet
yep why they ain't selling - dumb thing is if they had stuck with same socket very different story…
same socket new chipset with no backward compatibility
i meant kaby
Still surfin' with my 2700k.
Hope the RAM prices drop soon so I can do a new build. 8600k is nice.
Another here in the 2nd gen club with a 2600 at 4.3GHz on air with a 980ti.
Told myself I'm going to do a full rebuild at the end of the year, i7 8700k, 1080ti for completing 6 years of uni.
By that time it'll probably be a 9700k and 1180 or 1180ti but I'm wondering what the real world FPS increase will be like.
I've got a 144hz monitor and I don't care to much for 4k, 2k is fine and that's what I run at the moment.
Will it be worth the 2-3k which I dump into a new PC for 30-40 more fps?
I'd just hold off. If you get a job, you might be willing to spend less time on games.
Wise words.
Each to their own but I've found the older I get the less time I have for games anyway
Forgot to mention that I'm already working full time so the studying is part time on top of that, for the last 6 years.
It's already hard enough to find time to play games but when uni is finished I'll have more time.
I guess the next thing you would say is wait until you have kids, but that'll be in 2-4 years time. So I'll be making the most of it while I can….
+1 with the glorious 2700k
Wisely built mine with 32GB of RAM back then. Still holding up incredibly. GFX was the only part I had to upgrade all these years (6950 crossfire to 1060)Still running the old i7-930 with water cooling - its working fine with the 5870, haven't really needed to upgrade as of yet.
Nice, I'm in the same boat with a 7870, still chugging along, but i lost my ether port - boo
Was just looking at 8600k a minute ago on MSY and it can be had $349. Don't think it's worth it buying from Amazon US as it's only $40~$41 difference after shipping so happy to pay $349 to have local warranty.
Fair enough for most items, but is it really that big of a risk with modern CPUs?
Amazon have a pretty good return policy
Granted their return policy is very good, but it's more of the down time you are going to be facing when you do the overseas RMA.
Honestly, MSY service is worst than Amazon IMO, they have the crappiest service, but their prices make up for that, it depends really who you want to deal with in the end, and its rare for a cpu to die
This is a great deal, thanks OP!
Interested in everyone's opinion on this. i5-8400 Vs i5-8600k (This deal).
I don't plan to overclock so don't need a K, which also means I'll need to buy a heatsink for it which'll put it about $100-150 more than an i5-8400.
Is it worth it still?Im running the 8400 its fine for gaming etc, You would only need a more powerful cpu for Video Editing, Coding etc.
Haha I'm running the same!
Pleasantly surprised how well it's been holding up since 2008
you had a i5-8400 since 2008? What are the lotto numbers next week please? You must be a time traveler.
Coding doesn't require a strong CPU.
As long as you can edit text, you can write code.
Depends on your GPU, RAM and other specs whether or not this CPU will be a bottleneck.
Userbenchmark is pretty garbage and not really relevant when comparing a locked and unlocked processor. Actual benchmarks are more useful.
Taken from TPU's 8600k review (Very comprehensive, worth checking out). Basically even at 5ghz with a GTX 1080 there's effectively no difference between an 8400 or 8600k. Their 2700x review using a 1080ti told a similar story.
The 8600k is only worth considering with a 1080ti or for very specific workloads like emulation or some video editing. 8400 will suit most people perfectly fine.
I would recommend the 8400, mostly because you dont need a z370 and a cooler for it, performance are around the same, and by the time you need a better cpu, you can just upgrade to an 8700/k. 8400 is the king of value for intel side
I'm on the fence about this bargain.
Why are you on a fence?
Who put a fence about this bargain?
Is it the neighbors again?
If you want Australian warranty - you can get one for $335 through current eBay sales. I believe it is hovering around $359 elsewhere (eg. MSY)
I think having a cpu die is pretty on the low risk side compared to mobo or ram.
Absolutely. If any thing you would have to bend a pin which is not covered by the warranty anyway. I just bought one recently for 335 so I'm salty and there is nothing I can do about it now :P
I had a bad cpu once, they don't die (pretty much ever, my dads laptop from the 80s still boots. Only had floppy drives though and those are toast), but they can come with issues.
However it's that rare that the store didn't believe me. It was only when they tested it themselves that they did a return on it. Was only 3 days old.
Man, this for $290 or an i7 8700 ES chip off Ali for $220. Decisions, decisions.
I don't think you can really compare the two.
Sure you can. Might not be a very straightforward comparison, but they're both CPUs therefore they can be compared with one another.
Might as well say that you can compare an E8400 to a 8700k, both are cpus right?
I’m running i5 4690K now with 8GB ram and gtx970 4gb gpu.
Thinking to upgrade to 8600k or 8700k. Will need new motherboard and ram.
Worth it?
I like to play emulators like cemu. Some pc gaming.
Also is it a big difference between 8600k and 8700k in performance?
Or should I get a used 4790k?
I will upgrade gpu when next gen of Nvidia comes out. Or if 1080ti drops a lot in price :)
Your current build is fine, best upgrade you can do is upgrade your ram to 16gb, ddr3 ram prices are ok, unlike ddr4, and a better gpu, either 1070 or 1080 for a performance upgrade, your cpu is fine, maybe get an ssd if you dont have one already, makes pc load times a breeze
Upgrade ram why ? Most high end games wont fill 8gb of ram, i run i5 8400,1080, 500gb nvme and 8gb.. all on ultra settings qhd (whislt playing spotify and web browsing) and get over 100-130fps woth ram to spare.. i would wait for new gpu and buy the lot then including new cpu mobo ram and m2 drive if you can afford it
Really depends on the user and how many apps he wants to run in the background, i think 16gb should be the minimum in 2018, but ram prices have somewhat caused 8gb to be standard, i have 16gb ram kit, and use around 10 - 14gb playing games, his cpu is fine, he wont gain much by having a new cpu, ram and mb, m.2 drives unless nvme are not that much faster, m.2 is a format, not a drive type. Upgrading his preexisting build is much better, no need to spend more money on unnecessary parts.
What game do you have that uses more than 10GB RAM? Because as a fellow 16GB ram user that just doesn't happen even in modern AAA non-optimised titles that are RAM hogs like FF:XV.
The reason to get another 8GB of RAM for gaming isn't because 16GB is good for games, but because dual channel ram configurations have a significant boost to memory bandwidth over single channel.
Games like GTA5 and Fallout 4 can see more than a 10% jump going to dual from single even with mid range cards.
@c0balt: Pubg, rise of the tomb raider, rust, they are all ram hogs, mostly set on medium high for 144fps +, Photoshop/Premiere Pro also maxes out cpu and ram usage. Ram depends on the user.
I can see where you are coming from though, friend of mine has 8gb of ram and he can play most games fine, except for jc3 which seems to crash right on boot.
Forgot to mention that i have a 1060 3gb, which may be the reason why my ram issues may be high, my gpu may be limiting games with its 3gb vram, hence system memory is used as vram, which would explain why my ram usages are high
All fair points. The 3GB 1060 is an interesting one and would explain why you are seeing higher usage than others.
Very interesting video on the topic of how much system RAM do people need, and specifically uses the 1060 3GB vs 6GB VRAM cards to compare how much main system ram is used.
(oops had wrong link and had to edit right one in).I recently went from 8GB single channel to 16GB dual channel in my laptop with 7700HQ & 1050 4GB (not ti). With my config I sadly saw no significant FPS increase going from single to dual channel, maybe a few frames here and there. With MSI Afterburner open with a 1050 undervolted and overclocked to 1800mhz (should be comparable with a stock boost 1050ti), I still hit max GPU usage before CPU usage in the games known where single vs dual channel can make a significant difference at the settings I use (as high as I can go trying to keep 60hz locked not dropping below an average of 50).
Had I not got such a bargain on the extra stick of RAM, I wouldn't have done it in hindsight. I'm perceiving less frame dips, but it could be psychosomatic just knowing that I have 16gb. If it had a card like the 1060 with double the power, I probably would have seen a significant increase in FPS going from 8GB single channel to 16GB dual channel - as that's what the benchmarks from a lot of sources show.
Thanks. So 4690k to 4790k not a big difference? even for CEMU emulator? I already have a samsung ssd but that's 3 years old. It's a regular sata version. Is the m2 ssd better? I am thinking to get a bigger single drive like 1TB or 2TB M2.
It will for CEMU, but that along with FF:XV are about the only things that come to mind where you will get a significant FPS increase going from an unlocked overclocked i5 to an unlocked overclocked i7 if you have a 1070+ GPU.
I'm still rocking the 4670K @ 4.4ghz with a 1080. CEMU and FF:XV are the only things that I experience stutter and can see a 100% CPU usage in FF:XV across all cores. When checking benchmarks that have a 1080 and 4770k I can see those people have better FPS than me and the usage scales across all threads. I haven't tried BoTW on it, but I've been wanting to get into BOTW on PC rather than starting it again on Wii U so have been looking into it. CEMU appears to love the extra threads that an i7 has and even wants 16GB RAM.
CEMU can get massive FPS increases using an m2 pci-e drive rather than a normal SSD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCzxH4uIiIk
Zelda BoTW on CEMU appears to constantly be getting optimisations and updates, so it's possible that in a month or two it might even be playable on something like an i3 with 1050 in the future - might also be very wishful thinking.
Thanks. I can get a new 4790k oem from the USA at US$300. Not sure if that is worth it going from a 4690k…..
I wouldn't make that jump unless it was less than half that. It's just adding hyperthreading. Better save that cash for a 6+ core new build when DDR4 prices come down. That's what I'll do around the end of the year I think.
The price of an x58 motherboard and overclockable 6 core 12 thread xeon X5670 can be less than AUD$200 as a side thought, insane price to performance if on a budget plus the added bonus that can use the DDR3 you have already.
Exactly same situation as you.
Have a 240hz 1080p monitor for fps gaming.
Keen to hit higher fps in r6 siege - can get 90 stable ATM. 110 in overwatch, 160 in csgo.
I read that cpu upgrade will help with the higher fps at low res. I'm planning on waiting until 1180ti and then probably retiring my current machine. Hopefully prices are a bit better by then.
Overall the current system is good enough for now.
I built a desktop in January 2018 and have seen RAM and GPU prices continue to rise since then. I thought my EVGA 1080Ti SC2 was pricey at $970 then but I'm glad I bought it then
haha yeah, prices are stupidly insane now back then when prices were good i didnt have the money, now that i do part time and save up quite a bit from work and bdays, prices are sky high, even though i can afford it, i cant bring my self to buy it thinking of how cheap it was back then :(
Back down to $219
Back up to $242.
Totals up to 307.67 AUD (using Amazon's currency conversion) or 224.77 USD delivered to Sydney.
$27.53 less than Futu with the 20% off code which sells for $335.20. Great deal OP!