Looking to buy Bluetooth headphones(over the ear). Any recommendations or suggestions, please ? Was interested in buying Bluedio T4S last month from Aliexpress for $27 US but missed it, also someone said Bluedio T4S not so good (from his experience). I would like to spend max AUD40-45. Any opinions about Sound Intone P16, P26, P30, P60 OR Jakcom BH2. They are not big brands like Bluedio but looks like they have some nice products as well and prices are good too…some results from my searches are:
https://www.lightinthebox.com/p/jakcom-bh2-smart-bluetooth-h… (haven't checked shipping charges)
Looking to Buy Bluetooth Headphones- Recommendations/Suggestions Please ?

Bluedio are terrible quality. Have tried a few headphones from them and the cheap plastic and poor connection issues just aren't worth it. They also hassle you like crazy to put 5-star reviews with incentives and bonuses constantly, so don't believe all the positive reviews on websites like Amazon.
You get what you pay for in this product category and $45 isn't much at all unfortunately. Don't recommend cheap unknown chinese products but the Plantronics scrimshaw posted should be half-decent.
so don't believe all the positive reviews on websites like Amazon.
Uh … are people that naive still that they think Amazon reviews are real?
Lot of them are. Chinese new brands mostly no.
Use fakespot.com for a pretty accurate guide
Avantree Leaf.
Low latency.
Excellent for gaming, videos and I even use them with my DAW sometimes.
Bought from a local supplier on eBay quite some time ago.
Can't remember who.
Comes complete with an unobtrusive dongle for PC and will also pair to my phone.What headphones are you recommending? I have googled and cant find any avantree leaf headphones lol
I strongly advise against cheap bluetooth earphones. I've done it twice now and have regretted the purchases. Poor battery life, connectivity, range and lacklustre sound. And I'm not even some pretentious audiophile who thinks you need to spend $100+ for good audio - I think there are plenty of good non-wireless earphones for <$20. But for bluetooth headphones, don't skimp out, you'll really regret it. Do a lot of research on it if you are going to spend less than $100 on wireless earphones.
This is the best response here!
Just get Bose QC35ii
just found this cheapo bluetooth earphones:
its magnetic! LOL
It's so you don't lose them. You clip the buds together making a loop which stops them slipping off your neck.
I bought three Bluedio T4S headphones a few weeks back when they were $43 on e-bay. They arrived two days later.
I absolutely love them! I use one at work and one at home (the other was a gift). I have no connection issues and the sound quality is good (I know this is a personal opinion). A colleague who owns a very expensive set was very impressed and guessed they would have costed $150 at least. They are not cheap plastic. I recommend them.
Plantronics Backbeat 505
Normally $119 from JB Hifi
now $59.97 from EB Games. Price beat at Officeworks who are selling at $69