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[Sydney] Ultimate FPV Tiny Whoop Drone Value Bundle From $409.99 @ TinyFPV.com.au


We've been able to secure extremely limited stock on some quality gear from our suppliers and are passing the savings on to our customers.

Ready to get started in FPV but feel lost?

Want to step in to the hobby with quality gear at an incredibly low price?

These are the best entry level deals in the country right now.

Everything you need to make a serious foray in to FPV - with gear that will easily translate over once you're ready to try your hand at a micro or a full-sized 5" race quad.

What's more, orders over $250 receive FREE shipping.

Don't sleep on this deal of the century.


1 x FrSky Taranis X9D Plus radio transmitter

1 x set of your choice of Eachine VR007 Pro or Eachine EV100 FPV goggles

1 x Beta65S FrSky BNF tiny micro whoop drone

2 x BetaFPV 260mAh 1S HV LiPo batteries

1 x Tiny POWA Box multi-charger and storage case or single port charger

1 x Tiny 1S LiPo battery voltage tester

1 x Propeller removal tool

There are 4 value packs to choose from. But hurry - stock is extremely limited and once they're gone - they're gone. Not to be repeated, no rainchecks.

Bundles available at: https://tinyfpv.com.au/collections/pro-bundles

Shipping from WESTERN SYDNEY - NOT CHINA. Pickup is available and can be selected at checkout.


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closed Comments

  • +3

    This is a weird and tough sell, mainly because of the transmitter.

    As someone experience with FPV, This would have been yeah an ultimate first purchase, because the transmitter is amazing and will outlast any of us in the hobby. BUT, it's been replaced by the much cheaper QX7. Goggles are a fine first purchase but the price of that X9D forces the bundle to be way too much (X9D is roughly $280aud, QX7 is $180aud so it would have been $100 cheaper already).

    It's hard to recommend this on that fact.

    • Agreed. I also FPV and I dont see why as a beginner, or for any whoop really, you wouldn't use the Flysky i6.

      $50 transmitter that is also EASILY good enough into your first 'big boy quad'.

      You could even package the Jumper, multi protocol controllers.
      Or the iRangeX Controller.

      People that own a Taranis will swear by them, but IMO Jumper is the real choice of this hobby.

    • +1

      Agree 100% super overkill for the receiver, i started with a X9D and there is no way you need that much overkill for a starter bundle.

      Also just checked with prices on Banggood and you're saving ~$25 if you were to buy the TinyFPV bundle so not too bad since its shipped within Australia but still cant recommend this for starters

      Plus, have the fun of a tiny whoop is buying the cheap quad and modding it with a camera and better motors yourself

    • Sorry i'm a total newbie but could you guys recommend a quality entry level setup ? i've flown a mavic pro a little bit and have been through a few different remote control car phases over the years these little things look like a lot of fun.

      From reading you're all agreeing the x9d is overkill and maybe should be replaced by a QX7 ? Anything else worth looking at ?

      • Hi Bogrolls,

        The QX7 is an awesome entry level, hobby-grade transmitter. In saying that, the X9D at this price is a steal. You can find the QX7 for between $170 and $200 locally. It does have a "cheaper" feel and finish compared to the X9D but with the X9D at it's normal price point - around $270 locally, the QX7 is an excellent choice to get started.

        We're selling the X9D today for $224.99 and our QX7 will be back in stock, hopefully, on Friday where they will be priced at around $155-$160 depending on our customs bill from this shipment.

        At these price points, either is an excellent choice for a transmitter that will see you out for the next ten years, at least.


  • X9D+ is an amazing, buy once, do anything unit….. but has a massive learning curve, and now has cheaper, ever so slightly more limited alternatives that would be perfectly sufficient for most..
    As others have mentioned there are cheaper alternatives, but the X9D+ is awesome if you are keen and have the patience to learn it.

  • +1

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the feedback. We've scored an amazing deal on the transmitters (receivers - hmm wrong terminology there) and we're passing the savings on to our customers.

    In terms of the poster who said you're saving around $25 off Banggood - Banggood on what planet?

    Bangood prices taken right now in AUD:

    • Taranis: $267
    • Eachine VR007 Goggles $56.76
    • LDARC King Kong Tiny Charger Case $35.13
    • LDARC King Kong Tiny Meter Battery Tester $7.45
    • BetaFPV (leaders in whoop game right now and makers of the first whoop FC with OSD) doesn't sell on Banggood. They only sell directly on their website and through their dealers. The price for the Beta65S through their website direct from China is $89.99USD (so lets say around $119AUD)
    • Powerwhoop batteries - cheapest on Banggood is $4 each for similar C rating (still lower than ours) and lower mAh rating
    • Prop removal tool $1.50

    So if we add that all up, that's a grand total of $494.84 including playing Russian (Chinese) roulette with China Post waiting for your gear and hoping you get the right gear.

    So, again, please show me this magical banggood you speak of where we're only offering Aussies a $25 saving - our kit in this configuration is $409.99. That's almost a $90 saving and can be picked up today in person in Western Sydney or delivered tomorrow via Express Post.

    This is designed for someone who wants to get started and is determined to give the hobby a real shot without having to buy gear all over again in 2 months time when they're sick of their toy grade $5 jellybean radio controller or want to jump in to a 5".

    We could've taken advantage of the blowout deal our suppliers gave us on these transmitters and just stuck them up at their regular retail and waited for them to sell - but we chose to pass the savings on instead.

    I'm totally all for constructive criticism - and am totally open to suggestions on how we could structure our offers better in the future - but what I don't like is false statements when I know my margins and this is extremely tight and a price point I could never repeated again.

    The statement about "this could've been $100 cheaper with a QX7" is also wrong. Nowhere in Australia, let alone the world, are you going to find a QX7 for $100AUD - you're dreaming.

    The price that Taranis has been priced up as in this kit is less than $200. Show me where any retailer in Australia, let alone the world, is offering a Taranis X9D Plus for under $200AUD right now.

    There are 2 of these left - we have sold 14 of these kits today so we must be doing something right.

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