Hi all,
Moved into my new apartment in Jan (off the plan) all is well except that the ceramic tiles on kitchen floor have developed significant lippage among themselves over the course of 4 months. Now when I step on the edges and corners of the tiles at a lot of places I can feel that it is uneven. Also, the grout has become brittle and cracked around affected tiles. The worst place seems to be where pressure is usually applied i.e. one in front of the kitchen sink where I stand a lot and where the fridge is (so one of the legs of the fridge is on a corner of a tile where it sinks and the other corner of the same tile diagonally opposite the sinking one goes up)
I wonder if you guys reckon that it was because of that they were not tiled properly. I already notified the developer who will send a contractor to check it out tomorrow but should I insist that they re tile the whole area (it's about 9 sqm and is surrounded by carpets and cabinets on the sides)? In case they refuse to rectify how much cost am I looking at in terms of having someone over and re tile the space (including cost of new tiles)
Thanks in advance for your advice, I was a happy camper before I started to notice this. Now it causes a lot of grief😂
winter is coming to sydney. it's normal for the floors and walls to contract in winter and expand in summer.