We are looking for quality first bike for our boy who is about to turn 3 (he is almost 1m tall, so maybe a 12", 14" or 16" would be best). So looks like we need to go to a specialist bike store.
He currently rides his K-mart Trike, but the pedals don't allow him to propel himself.
Looking to spend about $50 ($200 at an absolute maximum) and needs to be a built since 2005.
I've heard K-mart bikes are shite, can anyone make recommendations?
Something like:
Diamondback Micro Viper
Strider 14 x 2-in-1 Balance bike
Raleigh Jazzi 12
Raleigh MXR
Byk E-250 Kid Bike
Specialized Hotrock 12 Coaster
WOOM1 Balance Bike
Radio Flyer Glide & Go
Saracen Freewheel:
Muna 12
I presume that bicycle helmets are like motorcycle helmets in that once it is dropped on the floor it needs to be thrown out (we never threw then out back when we were kids though).
Also, wheres the best place to get a decent & cheap helmet build after 2009.
I saw the following online (99Bikes, and elsewhere) but we would prefer to spend around $50.
Radius Dinosaur 12in Blk Lime Blue
Pedal Sprout 12" Green
Radius Stinger 12 Black/Green/Blue (2018)
Indi 12in Neon Yellow (2017)
Schwinn Trooper 12in [Black/Lime] (2017)
Radius Stinger Steerer Blue (2016)
Avanti MXR 12 Kids Bike
Raleigh Gravity 12 Kids Bike
Progear Shockwave Click-N-Go 12" Red Kids Bike
Progear Shockwave 12" Red Bike
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