I rented the car in March but still can't get back my Deposit.
There is a long story but I will try to keep it short.
My family and I went to a car dealer to look for a car and then I received a call from the dealer call at night and said we hit his car when we leave. I asked my father who is the driver about it and he said no. I go to look our car and I can't see any scratches.
When I returned my car I told the car rental company about it and he checked the car and said he can't see any scratches on the car. He just asks me to email him the whole course of the incident. I did and he sent me the incident form and ask me to fill. The form needs the other driver information which I don’t have and I had messaged him(the dealer) to ask for his information. He replied me that we did hit his car but he just doesn’t want to argue with me. And also he refused to give me his information.
I tried to contact the car rental company, and they said they need a letter that said they will not lodge the insurance, then the car rental company will give me back my deposit.
I don’t know what to do know. Really want you guys to give me some opinion.
Thanks a lot!
Confusing story. So there's a car dealer (sell cars), you and a car rentals company?