People Paying Money on Airtasker to Post Deal in OzBargain

So I just come across a task on Airtasekr where a dude was paying $10 on Airtasker to post a deal on Ozbargain.Link below…

MOD: Related thread from 2015.

Mod note: This discussion was from 2018 and the contents of this thread are out of date. Our guidelines regarding Amazon has changed & we no longer allow associated posts for this store. For the most recent version of our guidelines, please redirect to this page

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  • Alice K. doesn't seem to have too many qualms about this sort of thing.

    Hi Alice!

    • Apparently she has a good reputation on OzBargain

      • Doesn't everyone?

        As an aside the 'gig economy' looks terrible, imagine what it'll be like in the future.

        • I think we'll start to see trust flairs in the future, although the algorithms behind them would have to be quite complex and have gaming provisions.

          The shrill economy is very real and is never really discussed by mainstem media.

        • @Dozingquinn: I hope my reputation is good enough to score a spamming job and pull in a few bucks.

          The future looks awesome!

  • Nah offer $11 =p

    • +2

      They don’t know OzB very well if they are offering money. Payment should have been listed in eneloops…

      • Probably to avoid shop representative posting limits.

  • +4

    I'm a regular user of Ozbargain since 2015. I made over 850 comments over the years and made posts before. I have a good reputation in that platform.

    You need to pick up your game honey. I have over 11,000.

    • +2

      Quality over quantity, my friend!

      • +3

        11000 quality comments. 447 not so quality comments.

    • N00b

      • Pffft I've done more than half in the 2 years I've been a member.

  • +1

    Lol it may be to avoid the 'associated' tag.

    • +2

      Deal deleted - (Sockpuppeting)

  • -1

    Tel P, Paul J - Shame on you.

  • +2
    • Account stats match up…

      Why would Banggood be shilling? They've already got a rep: who posts deals.

      Odd they've marked it 'associated', unless you need to do that if it's got your referral code.

      • Looking at recent deals by Banggood they'd be restricted to 2 deals a week. I guess they're wanting to get around that limit. They also seem to be matching one of my recent Rep posts :P Hoping to cash in I think.

        Don't need associated tag for referral codes. A third party tag exists but that's for a different kind of referral.

        • restricted to 2 deals a week. I guess they're wanting to get around that limit.

          I thought of that, but it doesn't seem to be the case. They post about one deal a week, and it's been over a week since the last one (still active).

          Shilling a TV box hardly seems to be worth the effort.

        • @D C:

          Just for clarification.

          • Referral codes/links are not permitted.
          • Stores paying a user to post (e.g. acting as employee, contractor) is only acceptable if they mark themselves associated.

          If they post and don't click that they are associated, then they and the store will be banned.

    • +3

      Two upvotes. $10 well spent… :D

  • River L is now asking people to post Amazon store deals. We have also received multiple reports today that one account has PM'ed multiple users on OzBargain who have previously posted Amazon AU deals to post his deal in exchange of PayPal payments. Also got someone from Amazon China to ask us opening up Amazon AU to allow posts from overseas users.

    Yeah, please lookout for dodgy looking Amazon AU deals posted by new users.

    As on OzBargain we actually allow merchants to promote their own offers (see FAQ for merchants), there is really no need to ask someone else to post on their behalf, unless (1) their store has been store-rep banned/limited, (2) their store is on a marketplace (eBay, Amazon, etc) that does not allow overseas posters, or (3) they intend to sockpuppet. Just to make it clear,

    Question: A store is asking me to post a deal on their behalf. What can I do?

    I think the main key here is whether you are financially incentivised. If you are not getting direct benefit from the store (payments, free products, etc), then it is up to you to decide whether it's indeed a good deal. However if a financial incentive is provided in any way (accepting a paid Airtasker task for example, or getting a free review unit), then you become an Associated with the store, and you need to declare association. Whether you are able to post then depends on store rep posting limited.

    Basically as long as association is declared it becomes acceptable. You might even want to add some disclosure to make it transparent, for example "I am posting this for a task I've accepted on <freelancing site>".

    Failing to declare will result post unpublished and store banned. For example we allowed some post to stay, but ended up still banning Banggood as some who accepted the task didn't declare.

    • River L is now asking people to post Amazon store deals

      I'm willing to put that $8 down and say it'll be BlitzWolf. It's the only thing BG ever posted these days.

        • Hmm op is from the same state

      • Two Banggood deals that got banned for sockpuppeting were not BlitzWolf. Nor was the deal posted by citygal linked above.

        • Reason I mentioned BlitzWolf is because they're a brand of Banggood. My suspicion was that BG would try and get people to post their Amazon BW Store instead with them now being banned.

        • @Clear: Banggood getting banned came after River L asked to post on AmazonAU though.

          We still need to figure out the who's who and whom should be blamed. Don't really want to be a sockpuppet though to bid on those Airtasker tasks though.

    • but ended up still banning Banggood as some who accepted the task didn't declare.

      The only thing I can see that makes sense is if the manufacturer of the product is trying to push sales, and Bangggod is collateral damage.

      Very odd.

      • That's very possible! CHUWI once pulled something like that here.

  • This matter is not associated with us, two posts per week we are very satisfied.

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