I recently moved to a new state and I don't know anything on how I should go about this (laws). This is about a possible fire hazard. Are they any laws where an authority can like make them oblige to my request since it's effecting my property?
Next door neighbour's trees (not a traditional tree, it's like scrubs but extremely over grown) are not maintained at all and run the length of the fence (80%). It's so overgrown there's a giant shadow that covers or side of house including my bedroom and at least 1/4 if not 1/3 of my back yard. My clothes line is located there and my clothes won't dry, (yes I know it's almost winter) even if left out for 2.5 days. One side of my property is perpetually in shadow. I've politely requested twice they trim it so it's no so overgrown (fire hazard). The second and last time the guy laughed at me and said "get off my property, f'ing cripple". Prefer not to ask them again.
I don't know anyone and don't really have any friends (just moved). I live alone and am paraplegic so I have limited reach (tried cutting what I could with garden shears) and have no money (barely $50 in my bank account, seriously).
Cheap pyromaniac bikies.