Immediately Switch Electricity Account to New Provider

Can anyone think of a way to switch providers at short notice?

I'm currently with EA, and they charge a high single rate. If I can switch to a dual rate with someone like Red Energy, I can probably save close to $100, just buy moving high usages over to offpeak times.

The issue is, the bill read is tomorrow, and most electricity companies have a cooling off period of 10 days. I already asked Momentum if they could waive it, and they said no. Last thing I want to do is be with EA for another 3 months

Any ideas?


  • +1

    If thinking long term with your new provider (which I do not recommend) you can request a special meter read and pay for the fee. You need to work out how many months it will take to break even.

    Or try to bargain with your new provider to pay for special read as you don't want to be stuck for next 3 months.

    • Thanks! I'll read up some more on special meter read costs and try again.

  • +3

    I dont think switch needs to be as per billing cycle. Your new provider can do special read and switch accordingly. You will be of course be charged for special read. But with smart meters these days. It's not that much

    • Thanks jsbhatia

  • Well this turned out weird. I called up the old company (EA) and they said the only way to trigger a new billing period would be to close the account, and open it under another name. Even a special meter read would not trigger it, and despite the distributor only charging a dollar for a remote meter read, they would slug me $60 for it. Then I called the new company (momentum) who said that I was already transferred over, and there was nothing to worry about. I got the feeling she didn't really know what I was asking, but she said she was 100% sure, so I just resigned myself to having to wait it out.

    But now I've got a final bill from them, so I guess she was right. I'm left content with no understanding how it was resolved.

    • How long did it take in the end?

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