One evening I came back to my car with one of the windows smashed, but nothing stolen, nothing even disturbed.
I had thought it might have been general vandalism but when I took it to be replaced, the mechanic noticed a dent in the frame of my car door with a distinct golf-ball-like pattern which may have been the culprit. I was parked relatively closely to a golf course which I hadn't thought about, but I've contacted the golf course who have asked me to fill in an incident report form. Although the glass window was easy enough to replace, glass shards did get into the winding motor mechanism so it may only be a matter of time before it all needs to be replaced (>$1000). I went back to the spot after this to look for a golf ball but couldn't find any.
I did cut myself on the glass (minor injury) but as a student in a hospital, I didn't lose any time from "work" per-say. The glass window replacement itself did not cost more than the excess on my car insurance hence they haven't been involved.
I'm wondering what you would do next in this situation. Is the golf course at fault or was I just unlucky to be parked in the wrong place at the wrong time?
If you'd like photos feel free to PM me.
EDIT: photo - https://imgur.com/a/ArDjhQf
Thanks for any help and advice OzB!
Gonna be hard to prove as you may need to take action against the person who hit the golf ball not the golf course unless of course they agree to cover your damages