I am an undergrad student studying Politics and am set to finish my degree by the end of 2019. I've been looking at prospective job opportunities, but have slowly become uninterested with the majority of my degree's field aside from a couple of minor specialisations. I then noticed that, should I pass a application process, I could be admitted to medical school. At first thought, this greatly interests me, however I have essentially no history in medical science and only superficially know the medical school program and what a medical profession entails.
I intend on participating in a drop-in session to discuss my questions, but I was hoping someone would have first-hand experience, personal opinions etc on the post-grad study/medical field that they could share to me either for or against pursuing study and a career.
Very few people like you make it through the selection process.
If you want to be competitive in med you need a PHD or some type of research degree. Are you interested?
Hours are pretty shitty too. 7 AM to 7-8 PM usually in your first 4 years out of med school. Doesn't get any better too.