This was posted 6 years 9 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[XB1] 10 Free Assassins Creed Unity Xbox One Digital Codes


I bought some codes a couple of weeks ago with the plan to re-sell them at ebay but nobody is buying them, so I thought you might want them for free? :-)

Please leave a message with the code that you've used.

Code: QK3C3-QQK2H-7YGVR-472HW-6JR7Z

Code: K72YT-YCRTQ-2GXW4-37XC6-44XKZ


Code: 4R4P7-2MYHP-7JW26-FYW3G-T9FDZ



Code: 236RW-XY9TF-2P7XK-D7MKW-V366Z



Code: 3XFXT-VX43G-D3WDJ-F7636-D7F9Z

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closed Comments

  • +4


  • +1

    I haven't used one but this is the best deal today, especially because there's 10 of them. Front Page!

  • +2

    I wouldnt use it (in fact I think I already have one somewhere) but good on you OP.

  • +1

    already have it but thanks

  • +2

    Thanks! Used CPVWD-V9FJR-HG2DF-2XGCF-VD64Z

  • +2

    Thanks! Used 236RW-XY9TF-2P7XK-D7MKW-V366Z

  • +2

    Thanks mate - used QF24T-WP6YR-FJP9G-JCDKG-TFKCZ

  • +2

    Thank you! I've used QK3C3-QQK2H-7YGVR-472HW-6JR7Z

  • +2

    Grabbed XTY99-7JQTK-V4TM9-FDCRV-3XR3Z, Thanks Mate.

  • +2

    K72YT-YCRTQ-2GXW4-37XC6-44XKZ thanks

  • Don't need one, so not going to active but just thought I would leave a message to say that you are a legend!

  • Dang, just missed out.

  • All gone. Missed it by that much.

    • -1

      Story of my life.

  • +7

    Drake - Gods Plan

  • missed out coz was typing on mobile :(

  • Ye I remember these going for like $4 last year so I'm not surprised you had trouble selling them

    • Would these codes have worked on PC? If so, I might try to get one off eBay.

      • No. Only on Xbox One.

    • I got one from for $1 they're pretty hard to sell

  • +3

    Got it for 79 cents a month ago from….

  • -1

    Darn it, missed out.

    • +10

      The codes are now public, they can't sell them if they're used

    • -1

      Pretty sure OP got slugged .79c each for them from this deal - Would of been a good upgrade to a 6 pack of beer ;)

    • +1

      people grabbibng the free glucose meters although they aren't diabetic

      I intentionally became a diabetic so I could get the meter without feeling guilty.

      • They can't use them without purchasing the expensive testing strips. The strips are only discounted for genuine registered diabetics. It's the same as the cheap printers/expensive ink.

  • +2

    +1 for good karma.

  • +1

    Kudos to you! :)

  • +1

    tru lad

  • +2

    You lost few $$ but you gained ozbargain up vote $$…well done op…

  • +8

    That's great, but I'll advice against selling digital products on ebay. I used to buy some codes when they were on sale and then sell on ebay. It all went really good, but after couple of months I got multiple mails from Paypal with Chargeback cases opened.

    Apparently different buyers had called up their banks claiming unauthorized transactions on their credit card. Banks charged back PayPal and PayPal charged back me. As those were digital products, PayPal rejected my claims that those were authorized transactions as as per PayPal policies there's no seller protection for digital good, but there's buyer production.

    Some google search led me to multiple cases like this, and it's a known scam, and both ebay and paypal don't seem to care much about this.

    Strange thing is that buyers' ebay profile had good feedback. May be their ebay accounts were hacked, but I dont see a high probability of all the accounts being hacked out of the 6 chargebacks I got.

    • I don't think these accounts were hacked, just buyers exploiting eBays dispute system. Also, feedback is generally always going to good on a buyers account as they can no longer receive negative feedback.

      It seems eBay has become all about keeping buyers happy and providing little to no care for the sellers. 😞

    • Paypal’s BS excuse is always that you don’t have proof of delivery, so they take your money away, even though such chargebacks have nothing to do with a failure to deliver the goods. Proof of delivery is irrelevant to the issue. It’s a fraud/security issue, so they should be held responsible, not the seller.

      They cannot do that. Such chargebacks have happened to me twice ($50 plus codes) and both times I appealed and got my money back through FOS. It’s an arduous process but it works.

      See my past case here:

  • +2

    Well u win some u share some .. good on ya

  • +3

    up voted for sharing to ozb community

  • +1

    +1 for sharing with the community. The post should be labeled OUT OF CODES ;-)

  • +1

    good on you OP

  • -8

    Why is this deal still getting + votes? The deal expired before 50 + votes had been cast and yet we're up to 121.

    I can understand why some deals that have expired continue to get + votes (for example it might be good to vote for a deal where a price was extremely low ) but this was a freebie and votes should stop once it's expired.

    • +6

      Because it was a good deed at OP's own expense… Ka-pish?… o.O

      • +1

        Deals like this should be encouraged.

  • Damn, too late.

  • +1

    I paid 8$/for this game about a year ago. I still haven't really play it. Got past the assassination stage where the father got killed. Then the boy became an assassin. That's it I haven't load it since.

  • +5

    That one salty Neg that couldn't afford his own $1 copy and missed out on this.

    • -3

      No, just not a deal.
      Should people start putting a couch they are getting rid of on here too? I respect what they're doing but it should have been kept to the forums.

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