Digital Ear and Forehead Thermometer for $24.99 - Aldi special buys starting 16th May
Digital Ear and Forehead Thermometer- $24.99 from ALDI Special Buys

Last edited 11/05/2018 - 10:28 by 1 other user
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I have found forehead measurements to be very inaccurate.
If I did not already have a good ear-thermometer, I would buy a Xiaomi infrared one that does not require contact.
What would you recommend as a good in-ear thermometer?
braun thermoscan
I bought an in-ear thermometer while on holiday in KL 11 years ago. It takes readings fast, is highly accurate (based on comparisons with an expensive Omron one), and has only needed 1 battery change in 10 years. The model I bought in KL is still on the market. It looks exactly like this one. Only difference is that the one I bought has branding from the Chemist where I bought it.
@Make it so: that one doesn't look like an in-ear thermometer. It's a no contact infrared type isn't it?
@Big Dog: The blue cover comes off, and then it is meant for in-ear. With the blue top on, it is for forehead temperature, but I found that to be all over the place in terms of accuracy.
This is the manual from the manufacturer:
See also here
Ditto, readings vary widely with each reading. Stick with a good quality ear or rectal type.
when you say very inaccurate, just want to get a picture what sort of variance would you get when taking multiple readings in close succession?
I'm talking 2 degrees under, and variations of over a degree. So useless I haven't bothered in years. And why bother? The one I bought takes your ear temperature in 1 second, which is far more representative of your internal body temperature than the skin on your forehead (not to be confused with foreskin).
@shiznit: why do you need to take the temperature of your foreskin? you checking fertility or something?
My doctor told me that the good old fashion digital that you put underarm is best for young children. You do need to hold them in place for sometime though.
Ear thermometers are not good for children due to anatomy differences and infrared have too much variability due to sweat/external temperature (We are trying to estimate the body's core temperature).
Have a different version, and the little one is fine with it on the forehead. (infant, currently 6 mo)
I think it is highly inaccurate though (the temp from the forehead which the instructions show should be fine)
haven't tested it in any scientific mean to back up my claim!Have a different version. Good for on babies and only takes a few seconds. Much better than struggling with an old style liquid bulb thermometer on a baby/infant.
The readings themselves are only additional info. Common sense generally prevails, go by how the baby/person is feeling and acting when a bit sick, not by the temp reading alone.
ie highish fever + generally acting/feeling ok = ok,
vs low fever + acting/feeling very poor = not okGot one of these last time and didn't seem to work very effectively, not sure if this is a new model, but I'd be testing and using the 60 day return warranty.
My dog made me write this:
"Can you please bloody invent something like this for dogs. We are sick of being violated by vets all in the name of us having our temperature measured."I think this will work fine for dogs. After your shave them.
I swear when my dog was a puppy he seemed to enjoy it. As a grown up he's not so keen it would seem.
Also, let's be clear - vets are the only people who have ever put anything up my dogs bum.
Got one of these last time. It hardly worked, never seemed accurate, then broke promptly. No it lives in the toy basket for dress-ups.
Lesson learned: maybe don't scrimp on medical supplies.🤷♂️
Same experience I had, luckily I took mine back under the 60 day return policy.
Excellent. I’ve been after a digital ear
Same here. Can finally do away with my analogue headphones!
Doctor chimming in. Forehead thermometers are random number generators. Ear thermometers are great for older children and adults. They are quick and generally accurate. Thermometers in the arm pit are great for younger children and babies because of the smaller ears and children can be extremely phobic to having things in their ears. They can be slow and may take up to 30 seconds to work.
chimming, swimming
So what's a good alternative with shipping.
Need for an adult child who acts elderly.
Have had an infrared forehead thermometer for 3.5 years now, it's brilliant. Worked great on my son, and is now doing a good job on my daughter. Readings are consistent (ie. take 3 readings within seconds of each other, and they are within +/- 0.2 degrees of previous readings. Then try it on ourselves and get a different reading but consistent with the next few readings etc.
Wouldn't go back to a normal old school thermometer - but have one around just incase, which we use every now and then to verify. (ie. when we feel baby is hot, but the thermometer disagrees). Have yet to have a discrepancy.
Had this one from last year catalogue. I had another good quality one and the Aldi consistently show around 0.5 degree higher than the other one. 2 main issues with this one are the quick battery drain (cr2032) and not working if ambient temperature varies too much (showing error if you take it to the other room where temperature is 10 degrees higher or lower than the previous place). So it can be a problem in winter. It actually stated in the manual and I was thinking that I got a dud one last winter until I scrolled the manual.
Love aldi, they are so cheap man !
This any good for infants? Or will you have too hard of a time getting them to stay still for long enough?