welcome :) don't think there are ref points though.
Win a 2018 Toyota of Choice Worth Up to $44,000 or 1 of 100 $20 StarCash Cards from Caltex
290 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 11/05/2018 - 11:22
Entry Requirements
NOTE: "Sharing the competition will not generate bonus entries. Thanks, Caltex Australia."
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That's no good then :-)
Links are still unique so I’ll try my luck (even though nothing in t&c’s). Used stu’s. Mines https://pzlnk.co/U6WUt9m
Used Slo20
Mine is https://pzlnk.co/MwwPnH2used shrek, mine: https://pzlnk.co/oYwptBV
Used koshs, mine https://pzlnk.co/z1WzCyg
used kzu
Used Walterwhite's
Used Tamtim
Mine https://pzlnk.co/U71tiV9used scaryface's
mine is more scary: https://pzlnk.co/CSsYZ1j
Used ScaryZombie"s
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/h2wjvVc
Used kangur's
Mine is https://pzlnk.co/Jc2n7uiused noipster's
mine https://pzlnk.co/4nJjN3Cused oz mine: https://pzlnk.co/qBrMfJF
used Ryda's
mine https://pzlnk.co/1USNjF2I used ykwon10's
mine is https://pzlnk.co/v9GcuqUused Awhip's
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/CUXvFEeused TheDolphin's
mine: https://pzlnk.co/5Pc9hWj
Used Ruby1982
Used Ruby1982
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/ChWnCA1
Used woho
mine: https://pzlnk.co/1xfB59b
Used mookill's,
mine is https://pzlnk.co/R8i7aWHUsed Ropen's
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/tSjjnZBReply from Caltex re refs:
"Thank you for reaching out to us. Sharing the competition will not generate bonus entries. Thanks, Caltex Australia."
Used cindernat's
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/yusy1JMUsed andylch's
https://pzlnk.co/pWtk6qqused yours
From Caltex:
"Sharing the competition will not generate bonus entries. Thanks, Caltex Australia."
It's like a chain letter, let's do it just in case. I should've read the t&c's
used wingscancer
mine: https://pzlnk.co/8NVd7drUsed wodnd9509
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/oYqDwAq
Used chinezejew
Here's mine https://pzlnk.co/aN26f3rUsed FiremanFred's
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/Uq98hT4mine : https://pzlnk.co/EyLp3GT
used pluto's
mine: https://pzlnk.co/7QnHxuXUsed hendyb's
here is mine: https://pzlnk.co/c1c9irjused bbbargain's link
here is my referal link: https://pzlnk.co/wmaePr1Used finnwolf. Mine is https://pzlnk.co/KJSbEwJ
Usded MathNerd's link.
Mine is: https://pzlnk.co/Uqo5uNeUsed rusmafia link, my link is https://pzlnk.co/dwhLjQz
Used camelhorse
mine: https://pzlnk.co/wTtL7Ks
Used moves
https://pzlnk.co/1ceEf3jUsed jazzilla's.
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/JMYQ53yUsed SnickerBait.
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/6G1uV4hUsed Compycomp,
mine: https://pzlnk.co/1CCPprDUsed poisongodmachine's,
Here's mine: https://pzlnk.co/ZrNjoYHUsed zpohc,
Mine: https://pzlnk.co/MTjuqZx
used mrshorty
Used doublet
Mine https://pzlnk.co/rrEXRfYused Zephyraeon
used andragram
mine: https://pzlnk.co/eRDnouL
used eruption
mine is https://pzlnk.co/szGNfsS
Thanks gnv9. Can we share our referrals for this comp?
Mine is https://pzlnk.co/bAPQRPg