So I’ve been fishing a few times with friends & on charters. Think I want to give it a go off piers on Port Phillip Bay, Western Port & maybe out to Lakes Entrance. Happy to go into a store to get advice but don’t want to get stung with a noob tax walking out with whatever the fishing equivalents of a left-handed screwdriver & blinker oil are. Any advice on bricks & mortar stores, online stores and gear? I’m in Melbourne but happy to drive up to 2 hours for a bargain 😃
Want to Try My Hand at Fishing but Want to Avoid Noob Tax

If you just want something cheap, go bigw kmart.
If it doesn't have to be new gear, then there's always Vinnies, Salvos, etc which sometimes have cheap (albeit very used) gear
Daiwa BG
Buy from Amazon US
Match it with pretty well as any spinning RodThanks everyone. Love the collective brain here!
Start cheap but not too cheap.
Get a composite rod and a graphite rod so you know the difference.
Get rods on the lighter side rather than heavier. 2-4kg is a good place go start. Any fish will be a fight with that.
For the reels, Shimano Sienna. Should last you a few years if babied, or it will melt after a few big fish (ie. 1.5m+ gummies). Upgrade oppurtunity if it fails.
Get nylon line for both setups.
Both setups should cost you less than $150. Add cost of a few pre tied "rigs", $200 total.
Once you've understood the basic mechanics of fishing, upgrade the line to a cheap braid. Total cost would be $60. This would also be the time to learn how to tie your own rigs.
When you get a chance, read
Only do so when you have basic fishing down.The Jarvis Walker combo rod, reel & line deals at K Mart are your best option. Can get a 6'6 - 8' rig for $20 - $29.
Grab some sinkers and hooks while you are there.
I have used these combos on a regular basis for the past couple of years and they do the job well.
No need to go brag value for jetty fishing.You can pick up reels much cheaper from overseas stores once you start getting into the decent stuff $200+. Ebay is a good start, just click on international sellers.
"I’ve been fishing a few times with friends & on charters"
So your friends are into fishing then? why not ask them for some of their older gear?
Best thing to do after getting some gear, is to learn how to tie hooks onto the line you know all those fancy knots that don't slip etc? Probably a few videos online. Then learn to cast properly I don't know how many times I've screwed up casting and tangled lines.
I fish with a mate once in a blue moon and know jack
I fished with Jack too. Most anglers know him from being tangled to one another.
yes that's the bloke bet you drink with Jack also? I don't Jims a better drinking buddy
check gumtree and facebook market place.
Fish dont know what rod and reel your using! Unless you are chasing marlin you catch the same fish on a handline, just take a trip up north and youll see any number of elderly women cleaning up on a handline. Saying that a rod will help you cast to greater distance and is more fun (just dont get caught up in the psudo tech porn side of fishing).
Depending on what state your in get a cast net = free bait and better bait then money can buy
If your beach fishing get some pantyhose and some fish bits =
just you hands ; not saying that you should use a handline, just that dont pay too much attention to the gear side until it really matters. A mate bought a 4m lemon shark to the surface after over an hour of fighting on a handline, it then just rolled and snapped the 150lb line…
If you've got mates who are into fishing, you should grab an old rod and lures off them until you get a little more experienced, then when you know what kind of fishing you like and your target fish you can invest in all new gear.
I don't enjoy sitting on a jetty, but I love trout fishing and adventuring up through the rivers in High Country. You might be the same, or the complete opposite, and different kinds of fishing will be better served by different equipment.