The Australian /Weekend Australian $2 @ Woolworths
Does anyone have equivalent Telegraph offer?
The Australian /Weekend Australian $2 @ Woolworths
Does anyone have equivalent Telegraph offer?
use as toilet paper and you can catch ADS.
Toilet paper for my compost bin maybe
Or $32 for 4 weeks delivered and online access to the paper.
At $1.33 per paper it's still rather expensive.
ahh the days of paper boys, sorry, now it should be paper person, at flinders st station selling the age and sun in the morning and herald in the afternoon for 20c, and if the seller wasn't there people would take a newspaper and leave the money …
Well spotted OP. Thanks.
Great for those who still read the newspaper (I haven't touched one since 2004)
Giving money to Newscorp is not a bargain.
Neither is giving money to the ABC every pay day.
That would be true only if you don't understand or value relatively accurate information and news, and great entertainment.
Biased news (no better than The Australian, just on the other side of politics).
As for entertainment, why should my tax dollars fund entertaining people? Tax is meant for essential services and helping those who can't help themselves. The ABC fits none of those.
And value? Look at the rating for the ABC. The majority of Australians don't want to watch the local garbage they produce. Yet, we all pay for this trash.
Biased news (no better than The Australian, just on the other side of politics).
The ABC are the only media organisation that has regular government review into bias - no other media organisation has that. If you sit far enough to the right even the centre looks like the left.
@PainToad: Simplistic twaddle. You're either letting your own ideology rule your brain or you haven't got a clue of the multitude of services the ABC provides. Probably both judgung by your comments. The ABC continually rates as the most trusted news source in this country. Along with Fairfax it's the only source of decent investigatve journalism we have. It's essential to democracy simply because the dominant Murdoch media is a national disgrace.
Get brainwashed for $2? Bargain!
yeah, get the news from facebook it's free and uptodate.
Is Murdoch senior still alive.
He must be about 150yrs old
well he has just remarried ….. though I think this time he has chosen Jerry Hall, closer to his own age and he is unlikely to father more children with her.
Not sure what women see in richmen 30+ years older than them …..
Let's ask Anna Nicole Smith, she had a pretty good idea. Oh wait… nevermind.
Just follow the Liberal party on facebook instead. Much cheaper
the Australian: for the xenophobe who wouldnt be seen dead carrying a copy of the SMH
Was once a respected newspaper but old Rupe and a succession of second rate editors and marionette reporters (they ain't journalists by any stretch) have destroyed any semblance of credibility and balance it once had.
Very good working for APN. Get everything for free and also stuff like Borobi Pins, and Anzac coins and books and stuff ^^
Came here for the triggered lefties, am not disappointed.
Abusive brainwashed little creatures.
yeah, buy Direct Action when they are protesting outside flinder st station or bourke st mall for a balanced view point.
Left or right, it's a still rubbish publication.
Fantastic! Thanks OP :) Great read, imo
awesome deal. going to broden the hell out it.
$25 per year for the digital version. Just do what this guy did. Worked for me. I use it for Supercoach NRL/AFL articles. Not interested in the other crap.
I need a cheap subscription to the Age :-(
This docket used to be $1 Advertiser last year @ woolies
Worthless junk
Terrible paper.
Couldnt pay me $2.00 to take the biased rag unless it was to burn down Rupes house
Hmm.. pretty expensive for toilet paper.