Dodgy TV Delivery - Should I Be Contacting Seller/Delivery Company?

So I bought a 65N7 in a recent eBay sale, with delivery included. Today I arrived home to find the following:

  1. TV was delivered and just left on the front porch. There was no phone call or anything to say it is being delivered today and no-one home to accept delivery.
  2. It was place in the front porch on its side, I guess to fit it under cover. This is a 65 inch LED TV we are talking about - placed on its side.
  3. Given the lack of care shown above, I have no confidence it was transported correctly in the first place.

I took a picture of it sitting there on the porch before moving it inside and I am not sure I should be opening the box now. I feel like calling the transport company and asking for a replacement, because if there are problems I would strongly suspect they are due to unprofessional delivery.


(Edited grammar)


  • +9

    What carrier delivered it?
    That's shocking… I'd have thought that kind of value would definitely require signature

  • +72

    Contact the delivery company to ask when they are going to deliver the TV.

    When they tell you it has been delivered, ask them to show you proof of your signature.

    • +3

      I agree with this. Unfortunately, it'll probably end up costing the retailer money rather than the logistics company.

      • +1

        Unless the transport company did indeed require a signature and the driver just didn’t care?

        • +1

          I'd do it and see what they have to say. You can always come clean and say well it was delivered without anyone home and I found it lying on it's side.

        • +4

          @subywagon: Or you could say you never got it , free tv

    • This.

    • +5

      They probably took a photo of it on the porch

      • +6

        Could say it got stolen

    • +3

      Hmm, this sounds like a plan

      • +35

        Please do it and let us know how they resolve. I need this entertainment in my empty life…

        • +2

          *grabs cocporn

        • +2

          @Kangal: We don't need to know what kinky stuff you're into.

      • +17

        The anonymity of the internet gives morons a platform to post stupid things.

        • +1

          I'd say if your business model allows for this kind of abuse then you should take some responsibility yourself. Only offer signed delivery and block this attack immediately — this doesn't seem so hard. If you're a courier, do your job as instructed — this isn't revolutionary.

          Leaving this sort of hole open and then only blaming the bad people for taking advantage is not really good enough. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

        • @Talonparty: You're making some very good points.

      • It’s not good what you say but pretty funny.
        I just feel bad for the seller when the delivery driver caused the problem

    • +12

      You would be no different to a thief.

      • +10

        A thief would have better self respect

    • +2

      I'd want to get away with a lot more than a single TV before risking a fraud conviction and up to 10 years jail.

    • +1

      I had a parcel delivered through officeworks and the courier couldn't be arsed driving up the driveway (rather steep) to delivery it to the door, so he dumps it halfway up, in the middle of the drive way.

      Got in contact with them about it and claims it was signed for. I said no one was home. They sent me proof of the signature via email and it looked like a damn dog signed for it. That was their proof. The courier did the signature himself.

      Unless you have video footage, the courier companies with pull this kind of shit to save their arses.

  • If no one was home to accept delivery today does it make a difference you didn't recieve notification as no one would have been home anyway?

    • If they called me to say it was being delivered, I would have come home to accept delivery

  • +9

    Wasn't from GraysOnline ebay store was it? I ordered a 55n6 which arrived DOA last week damaged in transport. Grays has offered a full refund but first they want me "To prevent delay in processing your refund, kindly close return request/ dispute that you have opened with eBay"… No way I'm doing that until I get my refund and the case should close automatically anyway when the seller does the paypal refund.

    • No, it was someone else

    • +1

      Common tactic they try. NEVER EVER EVER close the dispute in ebay or paypal until you have your refund as it closes automatically.

  • sounds like the seller delivered it to you, whats the shop name?

    • It was delivered by third party delivery company

      • is there any proof? tracking? and can you name the company?

        • eBay tracking says "delivered".

          Hunter Express is delivery company

        • @Loki556: I never have heard of it.

        • +1


          hunter express are shit. In my experience they are a fairly dodgy courier. Most local places on ebay use them as they're the cheapest.

        • +2

          Not trying to defend them, but all delivery companies are rated pretty low on productreview.
          Almost all are below 2 stars.

        • +1


          Can confirm Hunter Express are shit. Takes 2hrs to get thru to them on phone. They lost a package from their truck. Turns out it was just left behind in a warehouse, but took ages to resolve and many wasted hours on hold.

  • +1

    Should I be concerned with the fact it was placed on its side (I.e. vertically not horizontally).

    The box does have "this side up" signs, which were not followed

    • +2

      Are you planning to hang it on your roof or wall?

      Those arrows are for shipping where they get stacked. For a single item it usually doesn't matter much which way it sits (oil filled air compressors being an exception).

      If the box has no damage and nothing was pressing into the screen it'll be fine.

      I buy laser tubes worth more than your telly, here's how they are packed:…

      They're about 1500mm long, 100mm round and all rather thin glass. And yeah, like that all the way from China, usually with even less foam. Haven't had one broken yet.

      • That's not quite true with large LCD TV's. The LCD panels are sensitive and are only supported at the edges, which means gravity and bumps can cause the panel to sag under it's own weight.

        It's less of an issue these days, as plastics are typically used in LCD's (plasma's use glass) and TV construction is better. But, I would avoid putting a TV on the side unless faced with no alternative… and if necessary, only for short distances of careful driving.

        • can cause the panel to sag under it's own weight.

          Not really a problem unless the way it got there was from falling over. How do you reckon repairs are done?

          That said, transporting them face up or vertically makes me less nervous.

    • Who knows how the box has been treated at the depot/truck. If the tv is fine I wouldn’t bother complaining- except for them leaving it there.

    • +1

      Ive worked in the Tv department for JB Hifi for 5 years, unless there are big holes in the box it should be fine mate. Customer always lie them on the side to take home and Ive never had any problems :)

  • +1

    just be thankful that your tv has arrived.

    • Is that not the least you should expect when you pay a company for goods delivered?

    • +10

      You either work for them,or are a troll. Think about the fact that $1k+ item was "delivered" without the signature and didn't follow transportation guidelines.

  • +2

    If you're actually worried, email the seller photos and ask if they want you to open and check it out, or if they'd rather you return.

    If you're not actually that worried (assuming the box isn't terribly beat up, I wouldn't be), just take a video of you opening the box, plugging it in, and turning it on. If there's any obvious damage, you can prove it was that way before you even opened the box.

    Or you could lie and try to get a free TV.

    • Paypal will be on seller's site as the tracking shown "delivered".

  • +7

    as above, do unboxing video if you decided to open it up

  • +3

    Its quite simple really, does the tv work ? Was it damaged in transit, even if the tv was left on its side, if that didnt lead to any actual damage, there is very little you can do about it, but complain to the delivery company about the delivery driver doing a bad job.

    If the item is damaged, then make a claim with the party who sold it to you as it was damaged during transit, and you should be able to get a full refund.

    • +1

      If the item is damaged, then make a claim with the party who sold it to you as it was damaged during transit, and you should be able to get a full refund.

      There is a refund/returns option in ebay "arrived damaged" and considering OP has a photo of item delivered on its side and left at front door unattended, the additional photo of damaged item would almost certainly result in ebay taking buyers side, and issuing full refund.

      If item is not damaged I would contact seller to let them know the bad delivery service. Although I am not sure that leaving TV in padded box, on its side, would be detrimental… the fact that they dumped such an item at the door susceptible to theft etc, with no signature, no contact to let you know it was there, is unacceptable. Whether it was a high end tv, or a cheapie, is irrelevant, its a lure to any potential thieves that pass by the house .

  • +4

    Dodgy TV Delivery - Should I Be Contacting Seller/Delivery Company?

    Contact Ozb? Ah wait you just did that, now go watch some TV:)

  • +12

    Now what are you complaining about?
    The guy has given you EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE!
    The TV was delivered. left in a safe place and no aparent damage
    What do you want? A free TV????
    Please just go away and stop wasting our time

  • +5

    I must be missing something here. You are worried because your new TV has been left on its side?
    I hope you never face a real challenge in your life!

    • -1

      Depending on what type of TV it is, the way it is transported and left can impact the display (I know OLED's have issues if transported a certain way) and is not recommended by the manufacturer to be laid down or on its side for transportation for this very reason.

  • +4

    Yes this calls for a charge back without the need to return the tv RIGHt NOW! How dare they deliver the item to you in a way we don't like it!!

  • +4

    The TV is delivered if there is no damage you can close this

  • +4

    I worked at an electronics store that sold Televisions from 2011 - 2017

    More often than not, the TV's arrived laying on their side on top of each other in the back of the trucks.

    This was not limited to any small/dodgy couriers.

    I wouldn't worry about the television becoming faulty because of this, the most common faults we saw were lines of dead pixels or individual ones. All the manufacturers attributed this to manufacturing defects when we sent them off in the return process.

    What I would worry about, and be angry/annoyed at is the courier dumping it without a signature.


  • +4

    Stop being a little girl. Just open it and check for damage. If there is none, it's fine. Geez

    TV's get stored on it's side all the time during transport. It's fine.

  • +2

    Oh the humanity!

  • -7

    No phone call and no signature?

    Well, I do believe that you'd better contact the seller and inform them that you haven't received any goods as of yet.

  • This person is what is wrong with the world today. Nothing bad happened, get over it and move on with your life.

    • +1

      No, that's not the case. The TV was delivered without signature. The TV was left out on the porch. The TV was left in contravention to storage instructions.

      He paid for a courier to deliver it and they failed on three of the four most fundamental parts of their job. OP right to be pissed.

  • Vodafail did this to my iPhone X delivery, i called to complain and they told me thu cant do anything as I received the phone ok

    • +16

      Was it placed on it's side like OP's poor TV?

  • -1

    Not much sympathy for the OP; most likely because he hasn’t experienced a loss (yet).

  • +1

    This is a disaster. Hope you are OK xx

  • +3


  • +1

    for the more expensive items I usually try to find out from the seller which courier they use. if they use fastway couriers, hunter express, etc… I either don't buy from them or have the items delivered to my work address. google reviews can easily explain why one wouldn't want to deal with such companies.

  • -2

    It might be 1 of those smart Tv's and have a gyro built in with auto-rotate for viewing on its side :)
    Probably work good for skype (if you bought the add-on skype camera)

  • Let a courier try that shit on me - full camera coverage of front of house plus when doorbell is pushed it takes a photo.
    Which reminds me of the other day when the postie rang the bell (I wasn't home) then left after 10 seconds but didn't leave any note/post at gate or in letterbox - weird…

  • Update?

    • Did you pay for signed delivery service?
      If you didn’t then service could of just been delivery.
      Maybe the person who arranged selected option to leave safe place.

      • Maybe the person who arranged selected option to leave safe place.

        Good point. I have had to arrange redelivery from courier services.
        They've asked me if I give consent now to have it left at the door without signature, I said no, they then went and checked records and came back stating "seller has given us permission to leave without signature". I believe at that point or with that order from seller, any lost or damaged item becomes their responsibility , as they have chosen to dump an item of value at your doorstep.

  • +1

    You got your TV, quit your complaining. If it doesn't work, organise a refund or get it replaced.

  • Don't call up the transport company, you don't pay them directly, you are not their customer.
    Contact the seller, advise them that if this is a common occurrence they will eventually have to foot the bill if it does get stolen.
    The seller needs to vote with their $.

    Noone leaves these freight companies reviews for a suitable delivery, and the B2B customers (usually the largest customers) don't leave reviews at all, so all you get is the shittiest of retail customers leaving shitty reviews.

  • +1

    Am I missing something here? Is there anything actually WRONG with the TV?

  • Test it out immediately if you don't intend to return it as Hisense DOA warranty is 2 days

  • +3

    There is some poor kid out there in the world with a parasitic worm swimming around inside his eyeball, and here you are complaining about - NOT ACTUALLY HAVING A PROBLEM WITH YOUR TV YET.

    • No I agree with OP to give the irresponsible delivery company a lesson to leave valuables unattended is unacceptable. Hope the company policy gets an update or just fire if just only the delivery guy is an a!?hole.

    • +2

      Yea ffs some people should gain some perspective. TV works, plug it in, enjoy and move on. If it doesn't then send it back DOA. Yet they come on ozbargain and solicit inane responses ranging from fraud to teaching the entire world a lesson.

  • Contact seller always. Delivery company will usually ask that you have the seller submit a case for investigation anyway if you contact them.

    Note under consumer law I believe the seller is responsible as if it's damaged you didn't receive a working, undamaged product (as paid for). The courier typically has certain obligations, though these are obligations to the sender and not to you.

  • Items under $800 (maybe $750) do not require a signature on delivery on eBay/paypal. A tracking link showing it was delivered is enough. What was the value of the item?

    A lot of drivers (couriers) sign for the package and leave it outside. Their commision is lower if it gets returned to the depot. If you/sender lodge a complaint the couriers will reply back with the POD (proof of delivery) saying MR X signed for it at this time and some couriers have a GPS stamp to prove they were at the address. Case closed. The driver might have forged the signature but then you are required to file a complaint against him and write a statutory declaration that the driver is lying. No one ever signs a stat dec so we never got past this step.

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