I've been at my current address for 4 years and every quarter I've had a water bill from South East Water around $155. It's a 1 bedroom apartment and I've always been conscious of water usage/impact on environment.
The bill was always paid before the due date. Today I received the quarterly bill and it's many times the amount I normally pay - around $500 for this bill.
I called up to ask why my bill was so much higher and they informed me that every time they took a meter reading before this bill, the meter read as 0 and as a result they thought I wasn't living in the property. I was told that sometime between my last and current reading, that the meter must have started working again and the reading increased by 4 years of actual usage.
I don't find this to be an acceptable explanation, as I have spoken with the building manager who informed me that all meters in the apartment building are working (as evident by my huge bill), that for them to read it as 0 when it's been working the whole time sounds very odd, and that it must have been a South East Water error in taking 0 as an actual meter reading (not estimated) for the last 16 quarterly bills.
Surely there must be some form of statute of limitations here as it's been 4 years usage when they read it as 0, and the meter works. Imagine if you got a bill from Telstra or who ever for your mobile phone 4 years after you paid it for usage they didn't charge you for at the time.
They would not discount and have put the bill on hold while they send out a team to check my meter. They mentioned the best they would do is put me to a payment plan. I informed them that I found it unacceptable, and that I will be fighting the charge no matter what as I had been paying my bill diligently for 4 years but they did not do their due diligence for 4 years.
Are there any OZBers out there who have some advice as to how I should proceed?