Headspace Meditation app/web - annual subscription SAVE50%… USD$47.94/year for the first year. Works out to be AUD$63.59/year. Equivalent to AUD$5.30 a month.
Be aware it auto renews in 12 mths time at full fee so cancel/find a better deal before then.
Past deals mainly go to 40% discount - I haven't personally seen one go to 50% until this. Except the one time there was a free code which didn't work for most people (including myself).
It came up in my facebook sponsored ads; saying Headspace Birthday sale. I was actually kicking myself that I didn't sign up when they had a 25% off a few weeks ago,, and low and behold the ozbargain gods spoke and Headspace did a 50% off.
Direct link should create a checkout for you of 12mth subscription (annual) and apply the coupon. Check your cart says $47.94USD before proceeding.
Can't find any details of the expiry date sorry so get in quick.
Headspace is a great meditation app for iOS/Android (and web too) - with animations and guide to deep breathing, relaxation, stress and general mental wellbeing. Enjoy :-)
Money in my account is enough meditation for me thx.