Comes with lawn handheld spreader and 1kg Scott’s all lawn fertiliser…
Comes with lawn handheld spreader and 1kg Scott’s all lawn fertiliser…
I think it's a Scab word.
Sorry, I didn’t proof read it
but didn’t want to dish out money for something I could do by hand.
Not in other stores. They are 24.98$ and comes with magic bean seeds.
Coreing an established lawn usually has more effect then these things…
How do I go about this? Are there companies that provide this service? What is the going rate?
Go to kitchen grab a plastic colander, pour seeds, shake n bake.
Which is lovely except that this device is for FERTILIZER LOL
Do those still work? In the past I've found that just one is unlikely to give satisfactory results, unless a supplement is added.
How do you know?
Just because be Cosby cause.
Just a heads up that these spreaders are only really of value in very large lawns. For a normal backyard (<1/4 acre / 1000m²) you get better results by throwing it by hand because you have more control.
Agreed I bought a cheapie from bunnings and the amount of fertiliser you waste due to over spray onto garden beds and paths is ridiculous. It broke and have gone back to hand application which means more control and even spread.
Is that a German or Dutch word?