Korea Custom Laws - Knives


Me and my mate are going to be travelling to South Korea shortly. My mate will be partaking in some cooking seminars there (he's a chef) and was wanting to bring his own knife set.

Just wanted to know if anyone has experience bringing chef knives into South Korea? He's spent a lot of money and time into getting his current collection, and doesn't want to run the risk of them being confiscated.

He will be keeping them in his checked luggage (not carry-on) but as it's our first time going to South Korea, we have no idea if this will be allowed.

Anyone on OzBargain have previous experience with this?


  • +1

    Checked luggage is fine.

    I always carry a military knife in a sheath with me on trips in my checked luggage.

    • out of curiosity how big is the blade you carry?

      • The blade isn't huge - it's about 12cm. It's the SOG Seal Pup knife.

        • ever had to use it?

          i travel alone overseas and have never thought of carrying a weapon of sorts

    • If the customs asked you why, what would you reply?

      • I've travelled many times over the years with it in my luggage and have never been questioned. I travel into the far country towns away from civilisation, etc quite often when I'm away so if I ever get asked, I'll just be honest.

        Everyone's been more interested in my metal surefire flashlights and I've had to pull that out of my backpack many times.

  • This Korean Tourism website does not explicitly address culinary knives.
    It prohibits weapons, such as swords but allows stationery knives to be packed in your checked luggage.

    I would recommend reaching out to this Travel Hotline and requesting clarification. It'd be a shame to have the knives confiscated upon entry.

    • I think you'll find this is certainly because it's pretty clearly a completely acceptable item - there's no reason they'd address any number of other things that are 100% fine to bring in as well e.g hair dryers, baseball bat, mountaineering gear. The only issue would be if you wanted to bring in carry-on - which isn't the case so no brainer as you can travel internationally with guns and all kind of things without an issue if it's for legit reasons.

      Korea is a first world country and not one with shenanigans at Customs etc (e.g customs officer just decides he wants a new set of knives and makes up an on the spot excuse) - so I'd say application of common sense to the rationale for customs rules really tells you all you need to know. That being customs only would want knives that might be weapons not entering - e.g flick knives, butterfly knives, swords etc.

      But if they're clearly cooking knives then I can't imagine there would be even a thought given to having issues.

      That all said if the owner still wants further peace of mind yes contact that site or the closest Korean Consulate/Embassy - am sure they'd advise immediately but seems open and shut to me.

      • As you say, it's 99% likely that they are permissible.

        But the opportunity cost of wasting 30 minutes on the phone to a (most likely) reasonable Korean person versus having knives confiscated it probably worth your time.

        Plus you can probably ask them their recommendation on some kick-ass galbi joints.

        • 100% agree - thats why I readily conceded its still worth calling, looking into - but at the end of the day customs in the best of countries are generally a bit quirky at times so unless you had something in writing on consular letterhead there's no guarantees.

          Look at it this way atleast no ham fisted customs officer is going to come at the OP with a rubber glove and a tube of KY - so it could be a lot worse. ;-)

        • @Nikko:

          Yep - but no KY is way worse

  • +1

    If they're valuable, make sure he gets good travel insurance as well just in case they go missing.

    • Definitely already done! My friend values his knife set more than anything so he ensured to get that sorted

  • +1


    Bit late to add but I brought a cooking knife from Japan to Korea in checked luggage last year. Had no problems and no mention of it either. Didn’t even think it could be a problem.

    Good luck :)

    • Sorry mate, just saw this. Thanks for the comment - maybe I'm worrying too much after all :)

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