Looking for a cheapie (Chinese) Windows mini PC. I currently have the PIPO X7 which has served me well but lately seems to be getting quite sluggish. I don't need any super video capability as it's not used as a media centre. Also not interested in dual boot Android stuff if it'll add to the cost or diminish windows specs. Can anyone think of a small step up from the pipo?
Recommend Me a Cheap Windows Mini PC

Last edited 30/04/2018 - 14:11
The main issue with your PIPO X7 is it has only 2GB RAM. I'm not sure what's your budget, and how small (mini) the PC do you expect?
Take a look refurbished PC at eBay or gumtree, my pick would be
Dell OptiPlex 9020 USFF i5/8GB/320GB
$271 delivered at the moment.
Yup very good point. I think I'm looking for 4Gb RAM. The dell is nocely spec-ed but I'd prefer a mini box similar to the Pipo.
Also look for the VORKE series of mini HTPC's
Some of them are very low power Apollo Lake (Atoms) but can range up to Ultra Low Voltage Core i7's in Kaby Lake., for around $600 AU or so.
Aaaaand if you ever want cheap Vorke… just ask me ;)
This plus a GTX 1050ti low profile is what I am thinking of for some med to high 1080p gaming on a 4k TV.
Should be roughly $600 AUD for the tower when it is complete might chuck in a small SSD 250 - 500 gb.
Hopefully it should run 4k HDR YouTube and Netflix fine.
I would get a GTX 1060 but then I would need to go the external gpu route and have not been really studying it much lately.
I wonder what gpu would bottleneck this cpu.
Also 1060 and above is not possible in this configuration unless you MacGyver it somehow.
Thanks guys some interesting options there.
Gumtree and look for 2 in 1s imho.
It's what I am doing now until I can get that super gaming laptop.