This was posted 6 years 10 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Vegemite 455g $2 at Kmart


455g of Vegemite at Kmart in Burwood East.
There is one jar with the names of Lesley, Simon and Alesha.
The rest have the usual Vegemite logo on them.
Atleast 18 left just before the party section when you first walk in.

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closed Comments

  • -2

    Same at Kmart Broadway NSW, 4 shelves were available as of Friday 9 pm.

    • +12

      And you didn't post? Hand in your OzBargain card.

    • That was two days ago! I was there on Saturday, would have grabbed a jar if I'd known.

      • Still some left at Broadway, NSW today. Best before September.

    • Unacceptable not to share! We should cut up your card!

    • lol just wanted to keep everything for myself

      Well, simply never posted before, promise won't happen again in the future

    • +3

      Then don't eat it. A little bit of Vegemite on toast is delicious.

    • If you did you might need to change your display name here.

    • UnAustralian!

  • Will check out my local Kmart in Canberra. I am down to a tablespoon of Vegemite and need to stock up. Thanks, OP.

    • a tablespoon of Vegemite

      Either you're having a hilarious dig at Americans or you're doing it wrong.

    • I am down to a tablespoon of Vegemite

      Should last you about a year if you spread it properly

      • Eh, after eating it for 30 years that would last me maybe two sandwiches.

  • +5

    Those jars look like they'd contain the Soylent Green version of Vegemite.

    • +3

      Lesley, Simon and Alesha aren't names, they're ingredients.

  • I still have left overs from last year.
    Well you can bever have enough vegemite!

  • Should you eat someone elses vegemite?

    • +2

      Alesha, Simon and Lesley were very naughty last year and so their personal jars of vegemite stayed behind at Santa's workshop.

      So yes its fine to go ahead and buy them.

      • Just don't take it to work, or you'll be the office pariah stealing Lesley's stash!

  • BRB - Changing name to Lesley, Simon or Alesha.

  • The real crime is people who put butter or margarine on before their Vegemite.

    • +2

      Nah mate, gotta have butter on it first..or else it can't spread thinly.

      • Thinly. Gross.

  • Nothing beats vegemite, best spread for bread, even better than Nutella! Yuck!

  • Expiry?

    • +1

      Vegemite ever expire?

  • +1

    Yeast extract + salt (or unbound glutamic acid + sodium chloride) = mono sodium glutamate. As this is mostly yeast extract the amount of glutamates is likely to be about 5-10% so it would probably exceed the strongest flavoured chips on msg amounts. Hate MSG or think msg is totally fine, that's not my point. Most people don't think aussie vegemite is chockas with msg. Now you know, you can make an informed decision either way.

    • +1

      So what is your point?

      • My point is vegemite = msg. What you do with that info is your choice.

        • Nothing wrong with MSG so I'll smear it all over myself like the Vegemite kid.

        • @Clear: Let me make myself "clear" I don't give a stuff if you eat it or not. Make an enema with it if you like. I'm just informing the crowd so those who are sensitive to msg know. No agenda, just stating fact. If msg is safe or not is a choice based on conflicting info and people can choose a side - like you CLEARly have. Fact is msg is in it - regardless of if you like it or not. That's not an opinion. "Nothing wrong with MSG" is an opinion. End of story.

        • +1

          @ShipShapeRC: MSG seems to really upset you. Getting yourself worked up this early in the morning isn't good for you.

        • @Clear: Have a nice day.

        • @ShipShapeRC: Sunny and warm. Great for autumn!

        • @Clear: Perfect time of year.

  • Will they check your ID before allowing you to purchase?

  • +1

    I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait to get some Alesha in my mouth.

  • Vegemite, the poor man's Bovril…..

  • Last time it was this price I got my local Kmart to price match

    • Never knew they did this?!

  • How much will a slab cost to post to Brizzy?!

  • Plenty at Indro but they have all been relabelled. September 2018 expiry.

  • +1

    When my child is born next week(ish), I'm going to name her Vegemite - will never miss out on a name label.

    • Hahahahahaha! GOLD!!!

  • Still plenty on the shelf today at Kmart Indooroopilly (Brisbane). Expiry date on the one I bought is 7 Sep 18.

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