3 Minute Academic Survey on Food and Beverage Industry

Hey Everyone,

I am a Y12 student from Melbourne writing a university research paper on Ethical Consumerism in particular in the food and beverage industry, as there have been a shift towards Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance Certified food/bev in last few years (Especially in Brunswick).

I am wondering if you guys can answer a quick survey on your P.o.v on ethics in the food and beverage industry. Thanks

https://goo.gl/forms/AgZgE4As8ndbVKHy1 -LINK

Thank you in advance, If you have any comments or questions please let me know


  • +1

    Y12 student from Melbourne writing a university research paper on Ethical Consumerism

    I'm impressed. How does this work towards future degrees etc? Good luck with your studies.

    This survey is designed to test the attitudes of teenagers and Middle Age Consumers

    Why does middle age consumers have capitalising?

    How important is Price a factor when purchasing Food and Beverages ?

    Posing this question on ozbargain will skew your data

    • Posing this question on ozbargain will skew your data. haha, definitely but its good to get accurate results that reflect a good portion of consumers including myself. I never purchase ethically or do my parents but it's good to be aware that there are issues in the Freemarket (And no i am not a Communist like many of my fellow millennials, I am very conservative) and with proper education, we can make more informed choices. Therefore if my results are skewed it helps me when i present to the Victorian Curriculum Assesment that students need education on budgeting and social issues so that they save money when possible however spend money when they are presented with a choice of helping other people.

      Why does middle age consumers have capitalizing?: I sometimes do random capitalizing of words they just make them stand out bad typing habit

      How does this work towards future degrees etc? How does this work towards future degrees etc?: This research report contributes to my ATAR, however I am hoping to publish my work after Y12 and attempt to get it published. This way during my first/second year of uni i have a publication which may provide benefits such as deans list or scholarships.
      thank you for your help and questions

  • +2

    Two comments

    • In terms of ethical consumerism, I would have expected to see animal welfare issues covered. Eg free range eggs.

    • Some of your questions are ‘leading’ or ‘loaded’; you’ll get biased results. you should frame the questions more neutrally.

    Good luck with the paper.

    • Thank you for the feedback to address your points
      1- I initially wrote my question to encompass animal welfare and use of chemical additives. However, my coordinator said that I had to narrow the scope of my work as it would be harder to manage for a Y12 student
      2- I didn't notice thank you for pointing it out, My research paper is submitted in conjuction with an oral presentation and during the oral presentation, they want students to outline potential biases and errors that may have occurred in the study (To analyze our critical thinking). I think this point will be a good addition to add to my presentation

      Thank you for your help

  • +1

    Your milk question isn't very informed seeing as farmers union and supermarket milk come from the same factory. Watch and learn. https://youtu.be/IIOvRO8k7uI

    • had another brand (Devondale) however I was advised by the coordinator that I shouldn't use a specific brand as they don't want to associate with companies. Therefore they asked me to change to "Farmers Union' which they said can be interpeted as milk produced apart of a union or corporation.
      However thank you for informing me

  • Your survey has a bug, I wasn't aware of either logo but I couldn't proceed until I selected one

    • thank you very much i will change it

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