Blankets for our first Canberra winter?

Hey all, just moved to the Berra and as it's past Anzac Day now, things are getting cold, with lows of 0-2 on the way this week. My partner and I are from the NSW coast and haven't ever needed the real cold stuff, or i have used whatever mum and dad gave to me -perks of living at home!

Nowadays tho, I have no idea where to buy those big warm blankets that families just 'have'. Something quality and Australian made would be awesome to have and keep forever, as I'm not an electric blanket kinda guy.

So, quality, long lasting, Australian made warm blanket (not a doona, already have that), happy to pay what the price is but obviously cheaper the better. Would be even happier with ACT/NSW local company so I could go check it out and support local business.

Suggestions please! :) Cheers.


  • There's blankets on sale at Woolies at the moment

    • +4

      "quality, long lasting, Australian made"… Not usually found at Woolies ;) happy to be proven wrong of course.

      Thanks though!

      • +1

        Look for MiniJumbuk.

        This is sold in aussie retail shops — namely the big ones like Myer, DJ, the company themselves and adairs.

        and tbh, blankets are just.. well, blankets, and they can only be well made to a certain extend. At some point you are paying the extra money for the extravagance, choices of color, country of origin and the logo (brand name). You'll find blankets made in India can be just as good as ones made in Au for less money.

  • +3

    Welcome to the ACT! We miss it, actually.

    That's all, really. I'm sorry I don't know much about the doonas and stuff.

    • Hahaha thanks! Yeah I miss the coast dearly, but I am enjoying my time here.

      Where'd you leave to?

      • +1

        Now live on the Central Coast. I suppose kinda like the reverse of what you did. :)

        • Nice mate, hope you enjoy it up there :)

  • +3

    Definitely get a down duvet with at least 80% down. There's some magical number about the weight as well, I can't quite remember but I got this for my parents and they are happy with it. There was a 20% off code (QUILT20) but I can't remember where I got the code from.

    Also try Harris Scarfe when they have 50% off sales. They have pretty decent down duvet, some with 90% down I think. Price range would be around $200 for queen or king size when on sale.

    The cheaper ones tend to have more feather or be lighter so they are more suitable for early spring/late autumn weather.

    I wouldn't go with a wool duvet. They are heavy and not warm enough for Canberra weather, unless you heat up your house over night. I have a few Australian made wool blankets and they are all sitting in the cupboard.

  • +2

    Id see if you can cope with an electric blanket if you havent done a CBR winter.

    Costco at Majura Park has lots of additional style blankets to throw over your existing bedding too

  • +5

    Creswick woollen mills make good quality wool blankets

  • +1

    Spooning your partner in Canberra is the best way to stay warm.

    • Oh that's been the solution so far for sure, but much below 5 degrees and we're useless to each other!

  • I've got a really soft spot (pun intended) for any coral fleece blankets.

    They don't have the super fine fuzz of polar fleece, or wool that gets itchy, nor the velvet sheen of a 'mink' blanket. Kinda like most dressing gowns in texture.

    I like the fact that they're dense enough to give a nice weight & insulation by themselves in summer, but under a doona is super effective in winter.

    They're probably not Aus made, as they're in Kmart, Big W & Target etc, but cheap at $20 to $30 each - which means buying a few to rotate out or double up on super cold nights is more effective than one super heavy blanket that is less versatile.

  • i'd like to get a proper down quilt blanket but don't want the hassle of laundry washing/airing

    long pants are good but sometimes i woke up sweating my whole leg

    electric blanket are good but not sure how reliable even for brands like sunbeam get -ve reviews all over

    • Yeah I can't wear clothes to bed it's too uncomfortable for me, let alone pants, I'd be the same as you - sweating.

      I don't like electric blankets at all tbh.

      • +1

        Go to aldi when they sell the winter stuff and get a set of thermals, the pants are very comfy and you don't feel like you're wearing anything. But they keep you warm.

        • Yeah I was planning on doing so anyway, but honestly, I can't sleep in clothes at all, even if it feels like I'm not wearing anything. I just feel the seams everywhere or a crease when it bunches up and I can't stand it! Thanks tho haha.

        • @jrowls: the good thing about the thermal pants is they hug your skin so you don't have any folds to feel, and they stay down, they don't bunch up your leg

        • +1

          I'll second @Quantumcat with regards to the thermals and I don't like sleeping with clothes either. They're snug enough that they don't feel like pyjamas.

        • +1


          I have slept in thermals before - whilst snow camping - and I would only ever do so again in an emergency. I may be neurotic or insane but I just don't feel comfortable with clothes against my skin while I'm sleeping! Haha.

    • -2

      We do our quilts in Summer when we get a couple of days that are over 35 degrees. It washes fine in our standard front loader and then you just have to keep fluffing it and turning it whilst it is drying. You could probably do it in a tumble dryer as long as you make sure you effectively "bake it". If you leave it damp then it will develop mould.

  • Winter is coming, hasn't even hit minus 10 yet:)
    Make sure your house is well insulated, no gaps in doors. And stay well dressed.
    I still haven't put the heaters on, inside the house hasn't even hit 17c yet.
    Get a throw away blanket from Costco or COC at Iron Knob Street, near Anaconda ;)

    • I'm in a shitty 90s apartment, don't much of a choice on insulation unfortunately.

      Also haven't put the heater on yet! Warm clothes is always option 1.

      I want the OPPOSITE of a throwaway blanket though! :(

      • +2

        Invest in heavy block out curtains for your windows

      • It might be worth looking into the portable thermal blankets they use for hikers and seeing if you can rig something around the windows to reflect the heat back in. We have a setup we use for our bedroom in Summer to reflect the heat away from our West facing windows and it works well for that. We have just put in double glazed eco glass for our bedroom so cold isn't as big an issue.

        We have a fantastic doona we bought from these guys and it is so light and warm. You can get various "blanket" levels of down dependant on whether you want it warmer or colder - they also do a fifty/fifty for people with different warmth requirements.…

    • Ya got me! Haha.

  • +2

    An electric blanket is great for warming the bed up before you get in, I personally don’t like them so only warm the bed up then turn it off when I get in.
    Layering is the best option and if one of you is a blanket thief get 2 single doonas and a king sized one. In Europe most couples have single doonas so no one gets killed in the middle of the night for stealing blankets.

  • +1

    Onkaparinga blankets, awesome quality and they are made in Australia, South Aus i think

  • I have a had an angora blanket for yonks & I team it up with my wool doona for winter; been warm as toast during winters sleeping natural :)

  • Somewhat off topic - downvotes incoming.

    I just use a heater in winter. For a couple hundred bucks over 3 months, why be uncomfortable all winter?

    I know, cost, environment, etc… But, warm!

    • Each to their own, but we like to avoid the heater at all costs. Nothing uncomfortable about more blankets!

  • check out the bedding companies mainly in Fyshwick,google or phonebook,good luck

  • Onkaparinga blankets are great. Full Aussie wool and last for ever. My Grandson has one that I got from my Grandparents, long lasting warm. Easy to get Kogan now sell them.

  • +1

    Got an electric blanket last year for the first time (life long Canberran), they are great. I find that having it on for a bit before going to sleep is ample.

    Combine it with a good doona and a light blanket for particularly cold nights and you'll be fine. I'm also trying not to use the heater this year, we're in a new place though and not sure how great the insulation is.

  • I got a 4 blanket warmth king size quilt from these guys. They also sent a handwritten note which was a nice touch.

    I have a Queen bed, but opted for the king sized quilt so it draped nicely.

    Has made CBR winters nice and toasty

  • Most of my childhood (southern Victoria) was spent sniffling and sneezing due to being allergic to the heaps of woollen blankets (like 5, my mum didn't want me to freeze) on my bed. Awful awful things. Can't imagine why anyone would want one.

  • If you tough it out for a while you get used to the cold and it's not a big deal. Most people dislike this approach as it's terrible at the start but with time you can just walk around in shorts/t-shirts at around 0 to 5 degrees without issue, use a normal blanket for sleep etc.

    Only problem is summer then becomes difficult. :\

  • Why no electric blankets? They're actually very cheap to run - even at 100W, let's say 25c/kWh (which is pretty high) run for two hours a night to take the chill off - you're looking at about $1.52/month.

    Just sayin'!

    Edit: also if you've never had one you have no idea what you're missing; they'll change your life :)

    • I used to have electric blankets for yonks, but I don't anymore, my curent bed is a heated water bed, very cosy with a blanket & doona on it :)

  • I live in Canberra. I recommend the faux-mink blankets. They're pretty much all we use at my place.

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