Ben Sherman Harrington Jackets Two Types Core and Script


I am trying to get my head around Ben Sherman Harrington Jackets.

There seem to be two basic types; core and script.

Core are 100% cotton and sometimes are called Cotton instead of Core. They are “dry clean only”.

Script have cotton shell but polyester lining etc. They are machine washable (inside out and gentle).

Core seem to go on special from $159 to about $99 whereas Script go down $159 to about $69 (or lower).

I own sand, navy, green, red, wine in Script and black in Core.

Arguably the Core is a better cut. And I use it to go out as it is more dressy. (But I do need to dry clean it).

The scripts I wear all the time (in winter) and are a bit warmer and I machine wash them.

Q1. Are some people washing their Core jackets?

Q2. Is my understanding all wrong? And if so, which bits?


PS. When viewing the jacket in real life it is hard to tell which is which….. the tag inside the inside pocket gives the details of the jacket.

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  • I chuck them all in the wash.

    cotton = machine washable

    • ‘Dry clean only’ is a pretty severe warning. I guess it would shrink or lose colour…ie. the black would fade.

      Thanks for the reply.

      • I have 2 harrington jackets. Both go in the wash.

        All Ben Sherman garbage fades over time. Just don't use hot cycle. Cold-warm is good enough

        • That would be because you put them in the sun as well. The sun makes it fade and the dryer makes it shrink. So if I was him, test 1 look at the before and after differences and weigh your options.

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