Hey guys,
Just wanted to share a recent experience with my home loan account.
I noted an increase in my home loan interest rate by 0.35%.
Upon discussing this with the bank they noted that have investigated and concluded that my house is an investment property and not owner occupied. So they decided to increase the rate to IP rate.
I asked for the investigation report to which they said its a business sensitive document and cant be revealed.
They also told me that they sent me a letter via post about about a month ago and the change is set to take place and that I had not replied.
Over the phone when I asked what the letter entailed - he didn't have a clue and said it will take 2 business days to email me. I said I am happy to prove I what I need to as I have not done anything wrong while you guys done it all wrong.
Wrote a long complaint letter just short of calling them cheaters to which they immediately responded with calls. I asked them what the contents of the letter was and he basically read it out. All they wanted was my DL and a bill to make sure I am still living there. Too easy mate! here you go! in one email it was done.
Got back to a lower rate than I was on which is what I should have been on.
Please check you are not in the same position and make you are on top of your loans and accounts.
Not sure how much I can disclose on public forums.
All the best.
Did you ever get the letter? Is your address at the bank accurate?