Just need a thinner wallet than what I have now, which fits a lot of stuff but is way too bulky. Just something that can fit 3 or 4 cards, paper money and some coins and that won't break in a month.
Advice for a Decent, Thin Wallet with a Coin Pocket?

herschel ”johnny”. i was searching for the same thing and have had one for about a month now. u can fit an amazing amount of stuff in. fold all your notes and coins go in the same pouch, very simple
"Johnnys" are traditionally quite thin.
u dont have to tell me
Were you bragging when you said you could fit an amazing amount of stuff in it.
fit 3 or 4 cards, paper money and some coins
Sorry dude, the words thin and coins don't go together. A coin pouch with a button or zipper built into a wallet automatically adds thickness. Even if the wallet is thin, any coins you put in there will make it bulky and it'll eventually ruin the shape while being squashed in your pocket.
Try getting a card holder with a money slot and carrying minimal coins in your side pockets.
For coins and keys my other half uses a small soft bag you can get for spectacles, etc. The coins/keys are kept in one place, you can take them out easily, it has a drawstring to close, it folds up to mould to the pocket and it is cheap. It also protects your pockets from damage due to keys. It also means you aren't rummaging in your pocket to find coins/keys etc. This is an advantage/disadvantage dependent on who you are.
Where possible, I pay with my card to avoid getting change in coins.
If I have to, I only carry 3-4 gold coins in my side pockets so that I don't feel it. All the silvers are dropped off in a cup on my desk in the office as soon as possible or in a cup at home.
I also keep minimal keys on a wire keyring that's flexible when I sit down.
Wallet is as thin as possible (I really hate the myki card!)
All this to try and preserve my suit pants! haha
What are your suit pants made of ? Paper ?
It might as well be made of paper! lol!There was a thread earlier about what people do with jackets after the pants wear out/rip.
I'm not a fan of orphaned jackets either! haha
Try explaining that logic to clueless hikers who buy ultralight bottles…
This wallet might fit the bill. Assuming not that many coins, by some rough adjustment (from the wallet exterior) to spread the coins to one-coin thickness after they are put into the pouch, the wallet will remain relatively thin.
You don't need coins my boy, live in the now
Why do you want coins ?
Many businesses have minimum limits on card usage and/or surcharges and give change in coins.
I would rather carry coins than pay extra for things I buy.
Businesses can’t really afford to not take cards in this day and age. Charging for cards is also a no no. Really at the end of the day people won’t go to your shop if you have a limit or charge.
I use Apple Pay for basically everything
I’ve stopped carrying cash and have had no issues
Melbourne is full of small businesses that try their best to punish you for using a card.
I now use digital loyalty cards with stocard app with my smart watch.
And google pay.
The wallet I use is a Bellroy Micro.
If they don't take card, I go somewhere else.
Coins damage things, even the wallet it sits in.
If I get coins, it goes in a tip/donation jar. It has cost me less than replacing a wallet but then again, I go days or weeks without cash.
Recently needed to replace a wallet. I've cut down my carry to credit card and $100 note on a phone with a clip on the back.
Drivers license and all other cards are scanned and available on my phone.
OP, what did you decide on?
I've been carrying around a leather wallet I bought at a market in Italy for ten years. When it's made well, it doesn't wear out.
May be our deal can help:
Look out for "KOPPEL" which comes with a coin pocket. Also, you will receive an "Outlaw" coin pouch free :)
Mak.I would suggest against putting coins in a wallet.
Not only do they put stress on the leather nut they also make the wallet bulky.
Best to leave them in the car console and take out as required instead of carrying them around.As you said, you have a few cards and need a decent wallet, have a look at the k2 Smart Slide wallet.
I just love mine and can't stop playing with the card push button!
Bellroy, super slim profile and will most likely suit your needs.