The same phone is on the dicksmith website for $60 so if ok with telstra not a bad phone for $25.
Samsung E2210 (Locked Telstra) $24.50

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It was $19 just before Xmas (I bought two at the time). But $24.50 is still not too bad.
You beat me by about 1 minute. Dunno how to delete a comment.
It was $19.00 on Boxing Day (Coles). Not cheap to unlock though.
If you keep it for 6 months the unlock is free.
Really? I thought you still need to pay $25 or $27… We are talking about Telstra prepaid right?
Yes really. And yes I'm talking about Telstra's Prepaid Mobile. :)
It was $5 at Coles with a purchase of $30 Telstra prepaid recharge you hold out it'll be $14.50 on the 20th Jan @ coles express
Unlock fee is a flat $100 for all next g telstra prepaid mobiles irrespective of how long its activated. Ouch!
Any tricks to get around the fee for free?
Can you port another carriers number over to Telstra and use it with this phone?
Don't see any reason why not.
BTW i'm not the rep, I unticked the box and for some reason it still appeared!!!!