This was posted 6 years 10 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big in Japan Sale - Monster Hunter: World Digital Deluxe Edition $69.95, Persona 5 $39.95 & More @ PlayStation Australia

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Is the Persona 5 ultimate edition worth the extra coin?

    • It depends on how big your love for Persona is. Those extra things are just clothes, themes and many persona from old Persona 3, 4.

    • It's just outfits, albeit some change the battle music which is amazing if you like the old themes from older games. I play with the persona 3 costume for this reason alone and was worth full price.

      • It's cheap as a bundle because the DLC on its own costs way more. With that said it's only costumes, music and Personas. Nothing story or gameplay related.

  • +2

    Monster Hunter digital deluxe is $69.95. Standard version is $62.95.

  • Any extra discount for PS+ members?

    Reason I ask is because I haven't got a subscription, just bought the console for God Of War :)

    • Not that I can see.

    • +2

      I've got PS Plus - can confirm extra discounts on some games, generally 10% of original price (which might knock up to $10 more off)

    • +3

      Not many games are discounted, Valkyria revolution is $12.45 but the rest just seems to be DLC (and not much of it) that gets additional discount

  • Everytime I buy a sale game it ends up as a subscription freebie a month later …

    • +2

      Could you buy Steins Gate 0 please?

      • +2

        Its $12. It is worth full price

        • I already own it, retail copy. I just haven't gotten around to playing it and a free digital copy would go down well ;)

        • @Where's_That_Cake: Get on it. Its not as good as the first but its still great. Watching the anime at the moment and its good too

  • +6

    Yakuza Kiwami is amazing at the price of $15.95!

  • +1

    Nice post Pikachu

    Guys, as this is the JRPG players thread, here's a question: do you guys prefer to collect physical or digital?

    • I've always prefered physical

    • Digital, I like to switch games constantly so physical is annoying.

    • +1

      If it's a lifestyle game like Destiny 2 or Monster Hunter World, then I'll get digital. Otherwise, if it's a game I'll play 100 hours at max, like Yakuza series, Ni No Kuni, God of War etc… then I'll get a physical copy for collection.

      Reason being I prefer physical, but I hate changing discs.

      • +1

        Nice - thanks for your responses. Some of these JRPGs get hard to find on physical, so I prefer physical but these prices are tempting.

        Ive got a backlog though lol

        • Maybe physical for the harder to find games, but physical on the more popular games then :)

    • Physical.

      I go out of my way to import PAL RPGs only released in Europe all the time.

      • Nice that's some serious collecting. What are the best ones you've got?

        I imported first Digimon Cyber Sleuth at $70 and hurts seeing it sub $20 digital :(

  • +2

    Nier Automata's DLC is on sale too. First time it's on sale since it comes out.

  • +1

    That's great bang for your buck for Bloodborne GOTY. The DLC is brutal.

  • +2

    Persona 5 is my first in the series. It is a really slow build up but interesting.

    6 hours in and things are finally speeding up. Hope it can live up to the likes of FFX turn based system.

  • +2

    Persona 5 so cheap now $49.95 I paid full price 79.95 for it but had it for a year I guess it's worth every cent

  • +1

    I really enjoyed FFX back when it came out, not sure if I have the time to justify buying it again, even at $17. I remember it being quite the time sink.

    • +2

      I have it on PS3, PS Vita, then bought again on PS4. Great game

  • +1

    Picked up Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami.

    Thoroughly recommend Bloodborne and Persona 5. Bloodborne is difficult for new comers but try and stick to it. Persona 5 takes a while to get started but then it'll hook you.

  • +2

    Grab monster Hunter. At least 100 hours from the main game and they constantly release new events and content for free.

    • +1

      I only played MH Portable n 2nd on psp, enjoyed MH quite a lot back then but didn't continue to play due to limited time. will it be hard to start playing MH World again?

      • +2

        Nah it's way more stream-lined then previous entries. Bit of hand holding at the start and then it sort of lets you go your own way. I'm fan boying up here a little bit but I haven't played a launch game that was just 'complete' for a long time.

  • Where is Alphaville?

  • Is the SteinGate 0 same version as iOS?
    English dubbed?

    • No, Steins Gate 0 isn't on the app store and is the sequel/midquel to Steins Gate. It has Japanese voice acting and English subtitles.

      • Thanks

        • You have to watch/play the original Steins;Gate before 0.

        • +1

          @Yuri Lowell: Agree with Yuri, watch the original first. Prepare to have your mind blown by this excellent show

  • +2

    So I made the mistake of hooking up my old PS3 recently, so my wallet will get hit from two fronts now PS4 and PS3 :'(.

    • +1

      Look on the bright side - youve acquired some awesome games for super cheap :)

  • +1

    For some reason I can't see both Yakuza titles in the actual link on the PSN store. But thanks to @suisidex and @onepage for mentioning it ! I missed getting Yakuza Kiwami few weeks back and it seems to be a 2 dollars cheaper now ! :D Would also suggest Odin Sphere Leifthrasir which is at it's cheapest to date.

  • +2

    Wow - new to Vita and I've been looking at all 4 of those games.

    Don't think I've seen better - cheers!

    • +2

      Putshan heres a pro tip - there are heaps more excellent titles on sale. Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics, Trails of Cold Steel to mention just a few…

      • +2

        Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
        Tokyo Xanadu
        SteinsGate 0
        Trails of Cold Steel II
        Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
        Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
        Metal Gear Solid HD Collection


        That should have me sorted for a while…

        • Nice taste in games

        • Is the zero escape same as the prequel of the virtues last reward release on DS?

        • Other than Zero Escape I think that's a great selection (I've got or played them all but hated ZE)

  • +7

    Oh heck yeah! Damn this is good! I just spent $150+ of my PSN credit buying all the most expensive games from my wishlist. All the Danganronpas, all the Kingdom Hearts, all the Personas, all the Yakukas, etc.

    Oh and before you ask, yes (nods sagely) I did it the OzBargain way… which was…
    1. Visit Coles during the Eftpos GiftCard promo as to ensure that the $200 worth of Eftpos PrePaid Cards I buy in 4 separate $50 transactions nets me 4x the bonus 2000 FlyBuys points (total 8000 FlyBuys points), thats $40 bonus!
    2. Go to EB Games and use the Eftpos cards to purchase my PSN credit and ensure I get the carrot points to my account so I can level up. That's 200 carrots closer to my Level 4, only 600 carrots to go!
    3. Add the PSN credit to my SEN account via code redemption, and wait patiently until OzBargain gives me a heads-up that something has been reduced 70% or more. Laugh my way to savings and gaming bliss.

    I think I might be addicted to OzBargain. Help.

  • +1

    All these games are exactly what i'm after! JRPGs etc. Just wondering if anyone can suggest where to go to buy them physically though - not so much a fan of digital? So far FFX remastered i've found to be cheapest, sometimes fishpond has it for $20 something.

    Just wondering for all the rest on the list where is the 'definitive' place to buy them online? Anywhere else - as I don't buy from overseas often but am willing to wait to pick them up at a good price.

    • Hi buddy

      RPG collecting takes some work, which is part of the fun.
      You've mentioned base, ozgameshop sometimes also is good.
      JB Hifi sometimes has RPGs for good prices, but they tend to have low stock

      • thanks mate - not so much 'collecting' but more of buying for playing purposes I should clarify….

        i'll check out ozgameshop? Is the pricing reasonable like base? Jb i find a few deals every now and then via ozb but havent sen too many RPGs on there? Maybe i've missed them?

      • thanks mate - not so much 'collecting' but more of buying for playing purposes I should clarify….

        i'll check out ozgameshop? Is the pricing reasonable like base? Jb i find a few deals every now and then via ozb but havent seen too many RPGs on there? Maybe i've missed them?

        • Base pricing for old games is sometimes quite good. But some stuff marked up. Ozgameshop is generally cheaper.

          You can get Dragon Quest Builders in the 2 for $40 deal at JB. Maybe for other game get Dishonored 2 or Dragon Quest Heroes

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