$27 discount applied in cart, seems like this $27 discount works or everything so dont be surprised if it gets cancelled
Google Chromecast 2 $31 Pick up or $38.95 Delivered @ Harvey Norman

Last edited 25/04/2018 - 12:12 by 1 other user
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can't check out.
this seems to work with the ultra as well down to $71 dollars!
works on everything, HN going to spend the day cancelling alot of orders lol
Seem to work on any item.
Choose pick up and head to HN at 1pm? Get it before its cancelled?
you have to wait for the order to say its "ready to collect" so I'm presuming all will be cancelled and not go through. I've already paid via paypal
$30 iTunes card for $3 !!!
This has to be pricing errors going on. There's no way they will be selling that for $3.
Who invited this guy
You belong in the forums.
It's literally the rules of the forum. Neg all you like.
Shows 58 in my cart…
Sub-total underneath that.
Works for gift cards as well!
Pricing error for sure.
For example that iTunes $30 gift card for $3 with a $27 discount in the cart. There's no way they will be selling it for that price. Boy has Harvey Norman screwed up.
I just placed a computer speaker into the cart. It has a $27 discount applied. And then also a digital camera and is also getting the same $27 discount. So this seems to be applying to every item on the online store with no minimum spend. Like that $30 iTunes gift card for $3.
Gee is this a big screwup by HN. Some one is getting sacked.
Thanks for posting the link, i enjoyed the read
If the store open todays it gonna be nightmare for them. I guess they still can cancel the order tonight.
This is funny.
I placed a $6 Telstra SIM to the cart with pickup and it's coming up as total payable $0.
So any thing $27 or under with pickup selected is applying to the cart as free.
but you cant checkout if your total is $0
Oh well that's a pity. Needed to be some thing $28.
Haha i already bought 4 items each at $1 or $2. Waiting for cancellations…
"Wow, we're totally maxed out at this very moment,"
fixed, stopped displaying during my last transaction
Yeah fixed. Bought a 30 Google Play card for 3 bucks.
Nah you ordered a $30 card. I can't see HN honouring this colossal stuff up.
Bought isn't until the retailer accepts the price. This otherwise is just an invitation to treat which can be dishonoured if the retailer doesn't agree to it.
Yeah. Invoice says 3 but they haven't debited the card. They'll probably cancel but worth a try.
For what i remember on HN when you make the order that the credit/debit card is immediately debited. Some thing isn't right there.
HN might have placed a stop to all order charge debiting.
I'd disagree what that. They've taken money out of my account. So I would say the offer has been accpeted and consideration has been paid.
You do realise it doesn't matter what you think. As I linked to above, this will explain it for you.
I'd disagree what that. They've taken money out of my account. So I would say the offer has been accpeted and consideration has been paid.
You really think someone is sitting in front of the computer in HQ now accepting all orders manually? Or do you think it was automated?
It's contract law. There is an offer, accpetance and consideration. Once the money is out of your account you can argue that a contract has been created. Does'nt matter if its automated or a person who accepts offer.@WatchNerd:
I would say that a contract has been created.
Gerry probably used the term "professionals" so that they could use some legal loophole to reneg on the pricing error.
You may be able to argue, that as it was "Anzac Day Special" you as a consumer (not professional) thought it was on sale and bought the items in good faith.
I'm not to sure if this argument would stand up. To much legal rulings for me to know.
Realistically there should be some protection for the retailer, who make legitimate mistakes.@diceman99: No, it's a price error. Clear and simple. And they are not legally required to honour it.
Realisticly I'm not going to hire a lawyer and go through court to recover my $27. Everybody knows this.
But you do have a legal argument should you choose to do so.@m9:
Under contract law they have to honour it
Under consumer law they can reneg
So legally its a grey area dependant on circumstances.@diceman99: Check the T & C's on their website. They have given themselves discretion to reject any order.
(9) Harvey Norman Online may, in its sole and absolute discretion, accept or reject any offer made by you for any reason (or no reason), including an error in the advertised price for, or description of, the products on the website, or an error in your Order
That's not to say the T & C's are binding or aren't overridden by another law.
Yes I agree, but I think once payment has been withdrawn from my account. then Harvey Normans offer has been accepted.
Harvey Norman's
I'd accept that Paypal may be a clearinghouse, so that the withdrawal of my funds may not indicate my full acceptance.Anyway my original disagreeance was that once payment was accepted that it was "an invitation to treat" thats a legal law term.
Commenter suggested that the website pricing was "an invitation to treat" rather than an "offer".At some point there is a contract which is made which is supposedly binding. The question is when.
@diceman99: you must be a textbook lawyer
A keyboard warrior.
I would say under contract law a contract has been made. I didnt read the terms and conditions, I'm not sure there were any. There probably were, but as everyone habitually clicks ok and does'nt bother reading the 30 pages, the validity of these T&C's is also debatable.
And Codes of conduct I dont believe are legally enforcable.
Under consumer law maybe they dont have to honour their contract I'm not sure.
Anyway what I initally said was i did'nt belive it was an "invitation to treat" once the money was out of your account.If we did argue the case in court. Your going to have tens of thousands in legal costs and only stand to get your $27 if you win.
So your risking $10000 for a $27 return. thats why the legality of these things is never tested.
Yeah HN quickly fixed that up.
yes they did
Definitely big cock up
ANZAC party is over.
Bought chromecast and have been debited. Paid through paypal
I just placed the order for it. will HN refund it?
no if its a price error HN get to keep the money under consumer laws
Yeah if it’s a price error they will probably cancel and refund your money.. we had this issue when this book on Robert and anguson was cheap due to a pricing error then a couple of weeks later they emailed everyone saying it was a pricing error and they refunded then money.. shucks
I reckon their fault they should honour coz they someone stupid fked up lol
You're not living up to your username. RW's reply is what you should have written.
order got cancelled because of the price error.
Must have fixed it half way through paying for it, didn't notice the price I paid in the end was $58 for the Chromecast, ah well
least your order wont get cancelled lol
That's true, I took a gamble with it, didn't pay off this time haha
lol.. you can still return it
Shouldn't have tried. Knowing HVN, they will cancel the orders…. slowly…
I just received cancellation email from HN
there you go.. was it for the gift cards ?
No, this is for Chromecast
I ordered chronecast for $31 C&C. They deducted $58. No cancellation yet. Order is still in received stage.
1 of everything for me:)
Oh welll.
Nothing lost nothing gainedExcept a mailbox full of rejection emails.
Now that's ruined my Anzac day:(
Gonna remeber this day every Anzac day now :)
OZ bargains version of Two up
Just got a call from Harvey Norman…
Didn't get it in time.Wonder if it's an apology call or a "you're black listed" call!
Harvey Norman ANZAC day Ode:
“They shall not bargain, as we that are left bargain….”
Well, taking up a Paypal refund dispute then. I feel it should be as difficult as possible for a business to just say "Yeah, nah" after money has been taken.
Maybe read up on consumer law before wasting your time.
Took me 2 clicks, jv.
And now thats 2 clicks you will never get back.
I just received my $30 egift card.
A professional would have gotten 100+ of $30 gift cards.
And then they would have definitely cancelled your order if you made an order for that much. It wouldn't take them much to figure out $3000 worth of gift cards on an order for $300 is very suss.
Making it purposely look totally suspicious is not very professional.
It's $30 each order.
It was a joke. Lighten up.
It's about Gerry calling ozbargainers professionals.
My $100 egift card order was cancelled. I'm surprised that smaller amount e-gift cards went through this quickly
may i know what was your payment method ?
I paid via Paypal
ordered 2, one of them already got canceled
Order got cancelled. HVN obviously will take time to do the refund.
weird, I ordered a few items separately, all were cancelled except the chromecast
but then I started gettting a follow up email about why they cancelled,
so Im not sure if my chrome cast is canccelledI got an email about the item is ready for pick up then got a follow up email saying they are cancelling the order. Shoudl I go and try? Anyone else in the same situation?
I saw a comment on one of the other threads with a guy saying he managed to pickup when prompted and received a tax invoice no hassles. But that was just before the cancellation email. Might be worth a try?
I picked mine up before the pick up email was sent as i was planning to go down anyway
It was actually ready
Just got an email that they cancelling my order and refunding it LOLso you picked it up and they will cancel your order and refund your money, score! lol
Did the same after work and it was ready. They mentioned there was some error on the site and asked if the online sales people called, i didn't get a call, so said no and started looking at other stuff in the store while i was waiting, next thing they asked for an id and handed it over. Checked my email again and got the same cancellation email, so who knows what will happen.
just give them a call tomorrow,
I ordered multpiple orders, and the cancellation emails were generic so I dont know which order they are referring to
I only got 1 ready to be picked up email
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