Have been watching this for a while and it's a good price. Has been on OzB for $339.15 in the past.
Yamaha - Front Surround System - YAS-207 - $319.20 C&C (+ $20 Delivery) - Bing Lee eBay

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Cheers. Can you show me where 2 x Play 3's are less than $319? I'd definitely consider it!
i think tycho was meaning two play 3's are less than the yamaha ysp-2500 he has… but i could be wrong.
Which is kind of a mute argument as we're talking about the YAS-207
@SnoopX: Not trying to be a jerk, but I think you meant moot, although that word is commonly used incorrectly as it actually means "up for debate".
What does it mean when a case is moot?
Moot refers to an issue that remains unsettled, open to argument or debatable. It is especially refers to a legal question which has not been determined by any decision of any court. In the mid-19th century people also began to use the term moot to mean “of no significance or relevance.”https://www.google.com.au/search?q=moot+point&oq=moot+point&…
Yikes! Didn't expect that sort of response - better get a lawyer to check before I post in future.
Yes, as heathwithnoteeth says, I meant that even though I have Yamaha's 'flagship' soundbar, the sound quality and depth is still trumped by the less costly Sonos smart speakers.
I wasn't implying this deal isn't good value for money if that's what you choose to buy, nor was I implying you can get 2x Sonos Play 3s for this price, merely that from my personal experience Yamaha (I've not owned others) soundbars aren't as good as smart speakers for sound quality.
Replace Sonos with Bookshelf speakers and you'd be right.
I avoided this model (and all soundbars, in the end) because of the crossover problem: http://www.avsforum.com/forum/195-soundbars/2918546-yamaha-y…
Still sounds far better than TV speakers. So are you running TV speakers?
I debated going proper HiFi gear for a long time. I tried out a pair of Edifier S1000DB's but they failed after 1 hours use and I was refunded and back in the same position. I went to a soundbar, a Sony HTC800, but its internal processor was really slow and it also had crossover issues.
In the end I went with a set of Logitech Z906's. They're amped, have a sub, they have optical in, and sound very very nice. Very balanced for a preconfigured set and especially ones made by Logitech.
The other thing I hated about a soundbar was having the stupid thing sit in front of my TV with cables running around the TV out the back, its just a dumb design.
I came from Z906's, went to Phillips HTL9100 due to space. You can't even compare the sound improvement. Significant price difference, but gave me cable free surround sound with bigger speakers and better sub.
My old place I had a full AMP/Surround Sound and it was amazing, and if I even have a house I can put that in I will in a heartbeat. Cabling and positioning means I can't in most units/appartments/townhouses etc as most are open plan and wires become a huge negative.
I have the TV mounted on the wall, and my sound bar mounted on the wall directly below it, I think it looks great. This is infinitely better than the colossus of cables involved in the Z906's, including it's ugly subwoofer. I have no issues with crossover or anything with my soundbar btw.
Personally I prefer the look of a soundbar in-front of a tv rather than a computer speaker set with cabling all over the shop. Most TV's are on a stand and you can run the cables straight through from the back of the soundbar so no need to wrap them around anything.
@OnlinePred: I don't have a problem with the Z906's and cabling everywhere: https://i.imgur.com/7xsdQuR.png
When you have a soundbar unless you do as you have done and wall mount it, there will be cables running right in front of the TV. You also have to consider the physical limitations of the speakers being mounted in such a thin box, there's very little chance they will be able to properly reproduce the ranges needed to fill a soundstage properly as they're not housed in something that will let the drivers breathe very well. I think the distinction to make is it reviews well as a soundbar, not as a set of speakers.@oodLes: Not sure what you are getting at, as a soundbar is a set of speakers in an purposely designed enclosure instead of a cube. Also where is your centre speaker……… Missing out on so much not having a centre speaker. I mean who cares about soundstage if you don't even have a centre speaker right? In your logic the speakers you have review well as a computer speaker, not as a homoe entertainment set of speakers. The only thing soundbars miss out on is clear distinction of left and right channels due to width, my sound bar does not have this issue due to detachable wireless speakers, but what is worse is not having a centre speaker.
Also only because you are arguing it, I do think the sub and speakers look out of place.
@OnlinePred: From your response I don't think you fully understand my points. Don't take the discussion so personally.
@oodLes: You said ALL SOUNDBARS HAVE A CROSSOVER PROBLEM. I said my soundbar seems fine, and it sounds significantly better than my old Z906 which you say is better, yet it doesn't even have a centre speaker, you don't like cables or having a speaker infront of your tv but you have two speakers and an ugly sub on your cabinet, so I'm really unsure what you are trying to point out here.
@oodLes: Point received. Your basis is entirely personal, and you are just trolling this soundbar post.
@oodLes: which is why on a soundbar deal, you decided to say your personal opinion that all soundbar are bad. Yep okay. Not trolling at all.
I don't know why people buy soundbars at all. They're just shitty little speakers in a big long box. If you want shitty little speakers you're better off not having the small boxes, but I guess people like the tidy looks of 1 wire and one big long box better.
If thin bezels weren't a thing we'd still have TVs with decent built it 2.0 speakers. It's one of the reasons I'm keeping my Sony Full HD TV for the moment - its built in speakers are more than adequate for the size of the room.
My soundbar is a huge upgrade over the built in speakers. Not sure what you are on about. My TV says it has DTS and a subwoofer lol.
I'm talking about the fact that if you have the room, you can get louder, larger, even better speakers for less money.
The speakers built into my TV are more than adequate for family viewing. No one in my family is complaining about the sound. That includes my computer game crazed Xbox mad son. It's the recent obsession with making them slim and without a bezel that makes TV speakers inadequate.
@syousef: cool. For me the soundbar I have is an huge improvement for immersion in movies, games and even the quality of sound used for Bluetooth while having friends over. I don't have room for a 5.1 system, so this is what I got and it's a huge improvement over the DTS LG speakers and subwoofers built into the tv. If you are fine with sub par sound quality and bass that's fine, for me though I bought a nice tv and a nice soundbar that suits my application.
Also please show me where I can get better louder speakers for tv for less than $350.
The speakers on the Sony TV I have are not crap because the bezels are more than 3mm wide and actually allow for decent speakers. The Logitech z623 are often on special for under $100. While they aren't my favourite they are THX certified for what that's worth (nothing) and would certainly give you good enough sound for a lounge room.
@syousef: haha okay. I don't think anyone will be asking you for audio advice. Just get a ue boom, will be a great home theatre system.
I couldn't care less who asks me for audio advice. If you can't tell the difference between a UE Boom and a Logitech z623, and you'd recommend a sound bar, I wouldn't be throwing stones.
Why leave it at a few hundred dollars? Go full audiophile. Spend $4k for a sound system, rearrange your living space and alienate your spouse and friends. Go big or go home.
@syousef: see what I mean? No one asked you, and you still have your advice….
Yep sell your tv and use phone screens untill you can afford the 80" OLED TV.
Basic comprehension isn't your strong suit is it? "I couldn't care less who asks me for audio advice."
If you want to participate in a discussion, fine. But if you're going to have a discussion then childishly quip "no one asked you" that's just trolling.
@syousef: Hmmm….. basic comprehension….. You invited it yourself… I will explain for you. You posted that all soundbars are useless, on a deal for soundbars, therefore, you invited this upon yourself. I hope that makes sense.
You are the one that said no one asked for my advice.
Guess what a comments section below any article or forum post is. An invitation to comment.
Not only are you trolling, you're not even good at trolling.
Let it go.
@syousef: If soundbars are so bad, why are you interested in looking at the deals then? Just trolling right? And yet you say I'm trolling. THE LOGIC RIGHT THERE
I commented on a deal. Discussing whether or not a deal is useful is perfectly valid and if you class that as trolling that's your problem.
You are the one that turned it into a tirade full of reductio ad absurdum with such nonsense as accusing me of suggesting you use a UE Boom instead of TV speakers (bears no resemblance to the z623 I suggested for budget THX certified speakers), stating that every TV has bad sound because yours does, and then started spouting off that my input wasn't requested and wasn't welcomed.
If you like your sound bar go enjoy it. Stop trying to justify your purchase. You won't change the fact that you've got a fixed configuration of small speakers crammed into a physical form factor that is made to look tidy rather than sound good or allow you the flexibility of positioning those speakers. If it's good enough for you that's great. The consensus seems amongst home users and enthusiasts seems to be that a good set of speakers at the same price usually beats a sound bar. If you don't like that fact, it's not my problem.
@syousef: Exactl. If you think for this soundbar and it's price, if it is a deal, then yes comment away. If you think soundbars in general suck, go elsewhere - see where the troll is?
I love my soundbar, the difference is I know where it is in the spectrum of home theater setups, you seem to think there is only TV - computer speakers - $5 speaker setup.
It's consensus is that soundbars are easy to install, can sound quite good, can look good, don't have wires everywhere, have fuller sound than a computer speaker and TV speaker, offer more functionality as most support bluetooth, some have features such as sound sync which shitty computer speakers can't do. z623 looks worse, sounds worse, does less, has more components, doesn't even offer a centre speaker for soundstage, I mean if you like that, then that's your thing, but I would let you know that you are entirely alone there - you would be better off using earbuds. I know soundbars don't sound as good as 5.1 setups, but I also know that shitty computer speakers sound worse than decent soundbars.
Anyway peace out! Don't troll on soundbar deals just because you personally don't like them for some strange reason.
Yes I see where the troll is. It's every time you reply.
You are talking rubbish> I recommended speakers that go for $89 on special to $149 RRP and you come back with "$5 set up". You see what I mean about basic comprehension?
And now you're arguing that people don't recommend speakers over sound bars at the same price point which a quick google search will tell you is just plain BS.
Grow up, and stop wasting my time. You're just as capable of moving on to the next comment as I am moving on to the next deal. I promise the world won't miss your input if you forget to troll someone.
@syousef: If you only had $100 to spend on a home theatre setup then I would 100% agree with you, get computer speakers. If you have $300-$700, you have three options: bookshelf speakers if you don't watch many action movies or TV shows, or a soundbar if you do, if you are aiming closer to $700 you could consider a full amp setup running 3.0 and upgrade with more speakers later. The point is that without a centre channel, you may aswell not care about home theatres or immersion etc. So yes if you have a hundred bucks to spend, some computer speakers might offer a decent difference in volume while sacrificing experience in movies etc.
As I said before I disagree with you.
The $100 computer speakers was the lowest priced certified speaker I could think of to counter your point when you stated that you couldn't get speakers under $300.
In the $300-$700 price range you'd be able to get a wide variety of speakers including 5.1 surround. First example on googling budget home theatre:
https://thebestspec.com/best-home-theater-systems-300/@syousef: I agree that all of those would be better than $300 speakers, BUT they are all 5.1 systems with cables, which completely defeats the main purpose of a soundbar which you completely seem to miss. So please try again. If the 5.1 systems were all wireless, people would be all over them. Imagine sticking the computer setup in a nice decorated tv room with these cheap looking computer speakers and cables everywhere. At least the HTIB have amps you can reuse (although prob wouldn't want to).
If you dont' care about cables and have the space then HTIB.
If not then you get a soundbar.Also just a note, after owning the Z906 (went from computer room to media room), I can unequivocally say my soundbar sounds far better, looks better, and has more functionality - let a lone more inputs and literally the worst styling for a home cinema lol.
I don't own the Z906 and I don't now which sound bar you are using.
As for cables, it's your money but I don't care about cables if it gives me better viewing/listening. At the moment if I had to use dedicated speakers I'd go for 2.1 or 3.1 so I don't have to worry about trip hazards or hanging speakers from the ceiling in my oddly shaped living room. As for wires being unsightly ppppfftttt.
People clearly think bezels are too untidy which is why we're in a mess. Thin bezels mean no where for speakers to go. I also find it hilarious that people don't want to see unsightly wires but a big 1.2 meter box doesn't offend their sight.
@syousef: All depends on setup right? My slimline TV looks amazing mounted on the wall with it's crazy thin bezels. Right below it is my soundbar also wall mounted, makes the whole setup look really nice and no cables as the sub is wireless (besides needing power). My soundbar lets me disconnect speakers to use wirelessly in something that resembles 3.1/5.1 - it sounds nothing like a proper HTIB or home theatre system (or even z906), but I can easily do it and put them away quickly. My living room is in the middle of an open plan room with a hard wood floor. There is no way of running wires, and with people walking through it constantly, it would be a nightmare unless I rip the floor up just to install the $300 speakers.
I'm all for thin bezels as most TV's aren't stylish enough. I had a Sony with nice big visible speakers on each side which was fantastic, but ti was quite thick, and had too many issues requiring warranty returns galore so I just went with a slim tv and soundbar setup. Works perfectly for the environment and situation it is being installed in, it's louder than the Z906 and mid range sounds much better for action movies/tv shows - music etc also sound significantly better.
This is my soundbar btw: https://www.whathifi.com/philips/htl9100/review. Have had it for almost 6 years. I have had HTIB and Z906 which have come and gone while this one keeps on going. It offers much more than any HTIB also, with detachable speakers I can take anywhere in the house to listen to music with, or use as a surround sound, or use outside while having a bbq etc.
It's a real pity your TV or model of TV had issues. We might not be having this conversation if you hadn't been sold a dud. My Sony has been great (not perfect mind you) so far. It sounds like I've been very lucky with mine (KDL-55EX500). Worst thing is having to take apart the stupid Sony remote and remove the oil that settles inside their because the rubber was never treated properly. I've done that 3 times so far and I am due to do that again. My entertainment setup has lots of wires but that's because I have a NUC and 4 consoles connected in addition to Bluray, DVD and set top box. As for speakers there's nothing tidier than built in.
By the way a rug works wonders to hide cabling and avoid tripping hazards without ruining the minimalist look too much.
I own Logitech X-140, X-530, X-540, z623. I am unimpressed with the z623 but love the other 3 and haven't had one die yet (knock on wood) in over 10 years of use. All of them buzz if you turn them up past 3/4, so I avoid that.
Doesn't post to Adelaide Metro, disappointing
Not disputing the price, but I would recommend to anyone who cares about good sound to strongly consider a pair of smart speakers (e.g. Sonos Play 1/3/5 instead of a sound bar.
I have the Yamaha YSP-2500 and although sound is good (and simulated surround is ok), it just can't compare to friend's setup of 2x Play 3s for much less $$$.
IMHO sound bars are only good if space is the primary consideration.