What's your Favourite HappyHard track? Mine would have to be 'Paradise' by C.O.R. and "End of Time" - DJ Hixxy
Your Fave Happy Hard Track?

LYRICALRAVER on 22/04/2018 - 21:17
Alex K started out as a BouncyHouse (Scouse) DJ on the Skitzmix CD series from Nick Skitz. His music is not really 'HappyHard'. He remixes too many 'PopDance' tunes.
havent listened to Happy Hardcore for a looooong time… more than a decade actually. memories!
Paradise? Para… Para… Para… Paralysed is the next word that always comes to mind for me. The number of times that they played that bit on TV advertising some crap show.
Para…. Para… Paralysed…
Dj Alex K - You & I