This was posted 6 years 10 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nintendo Wii U - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild Game $44.40 (+ $7.95 Postage) @ Catch


Nintendo Wii U The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Game $44.40 (+$7.95 postage) @ Catch of The Day. Add the item to your cart to see the 40% discount applied.

Eligible for free shipping for Club Catch members like me.

I was able to combine with the targeted code CATCH1X5S for $10 off (thanks to member shads for the earlier deal) and I also used a $10 credit sitting on my account. Bought for $24.40 after discounts with free shipping.
Note I had another item worth $40 in my order so unsure what minimum order is required to combine all deals.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Damn, not the Switch version :(

  • Good deal thanks OP

  • Best game of 2017!!!

  • It shows up as $74 for me!!! Even when I add it to cart.

    • Same here.

      • Once u add postcode price drops

  • 42.35 for me. Need a wii u…

  • I didn't even know there was a Wii U version

    • +6

      They were working on it for the Wii U before the Switch was even announced, then they were told to make it for the Switch as well, and delay the release of the Wii U version to the Switch launch day so it wouldn't hurt Switch sales. Both versions are identical. The sheikah slate was designed to look like the Wii U gamepad, and they didn't redesign it since the Switch looks similar as well.

      Same things happened with Twilight Princess releasing on both the Gamecube and Wii.

      • -1

        Both versions are identical.


        • +3

          Not much difference though. Biggest is probably that Wii U renders at 720p while switch renders at 900p (on TV). Maybe that is a big deal… Disappointingly, features that used dual screen (gamepad shows different content to tv in a meaningful way) were canned when switch become the primary target platform mid development of the game.

        • +1

          Pretty sure the content is identical - the resolution and frame rate on the other hand…

        • @flashi007:
          Apparently frame rate is the same for both (constant 30fps) but yes, Wii U is lower res

        • @sharky_k: cannot agree more on this. The game pad is supposed to support instant weapon change but Nintendo decided to kill this feature simply because Switch has only 1 screen. Go to hell Nintendo!

        • @wtfnodeal: bloody great game though!!! I’m

        • @flashi007: just an example of great creativity of some people killed by the greed of some evil thinking people. I am glad that back then Nintendo betrayed Sony and now it suffers from its consequences.

  • -1

    How do you find this deal. Any other bargain hiding there?

  • Legend states there was someone lucky enough to pick this up for a dollar in the Wii U/PS3 clearance JB Hi Fi had a couple months ago

    • -1

      Legend has it that, if legends has it, legend has it

    • I think it would have been for $3, because that's the price in their system when I asked for it in that clearance. No luck for me of course.

      • No, I genuinely saw photos of people with their receipt showing a dollar. All the stores we went to early that day confirmed the dollar price as well

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