• closed

Win 1 of 1000 Boost Juices or Various Vouchers Daily - Play "Find The Fruit" App (iOS/Android)



Closing Date 27/05/2018


Description Regular Boost Juice
No. of Prizes 3000000

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit Unlimited
Entry Methods Mobile App
Prerequisites Account/Membership, Email Subscription

Ts & Cs found thanks to gnv9 :)

  1. $1 off any size Boost
  2. $2 off any size Boost
  3. $3 off any size Boost
  4. $5 Boost.
  5. Free Boost smoothie or juice of your choice.

2016 Comp Post
Another 2016 Comp Post

Related Stores

Boost Juice
Boost Juice

closed Comments

  • I can't go pass round 4 :(
    Any tips?

    • +2

      There is no need to "go past round 4".
      You get points for every game you play.
      You can see your points at the top-right of the screen.
      To get the voucher, go near a Boost store and the store should appear on your game map. Click the store to get a voucher.
      The number of points you need are:
      1 dollar off - 1500 points
      2 dollars off - 2500 points
      3 dollars off - 8000 points
      $5 Drink - 5500 points
      Free Drink - 10000 points

      Hope this helps.

      • Having never been to boost what is the difference between a $5 drink and a free drink? Would it be worth to save almost double the points?

        • The $5 and Free drink is for the largest size, which cost anywhere from $6.50 to $7.50.
          Therefore, I would say that the "$5 Boost" is probably the worst offer.

          Break down (assuming drink cost $6.80):
          1 dollar off voucher - You pay $5.80
          2 dollars off voucher - You pay $4.80
          3 dollars off voucher - You pay $3.80
          $5 Drink voucher - You pay $5
          Free Drink voucher - You pay nothing.

        • @amkssg: oHHHHH, I had that the wrong way round. I thought the $5 Drink was you get a free $5 drink, but the free drink was something that would normally cost more as in it had extra things compared to the $5 drink.

      • if I have 20000 points, does it mean I get 2 free drinks?

        • Yes but you can only have 1 (unredeemed) voucher at a time.

  • +1

    How long have people been playing in order to try and get 10,000 fruit/points?

    Doesn't anyone think it's a bit much time to invest? I don't drink Boosts unless they are free normally ;)

    • Took me around 2 hours to get 10,000 points. I do it when I commute or having a lie down after meals :D

      • Hahaha good idea :D
        It's taken me just over an hour to get 5000 so I'm half way there!

        • +2

          Just FYI, be careful when capturing fruits when you are near a Boost Juice store. Sometimes the map gets jumpy and you could accidentally click and redeem $x off vouchers by accident (I did this several times!)

        • @scrypton: cheers for the heads up :)

  • Anyone else think the codes as not unique?

    • +2

      They are unique. definitely unique.

  • I hate it how you dont confirm the claim before it gives it to you. Just accidentally tapped ok the 5off voucher ..ahhhh start again

    • +1

      They are aware of this issue. Someone mentioned it on facebook, and Boost replied that it is on the next update.

    • I literally claimed this morning and it confirmed "do you want to buy a free boost voucher for 10000 fruits?" -> ok

  • +1

    Just an FYI, you can claim your vouchers within (at least) a 1km radius.
    Was passing by Hornsby Station and I could claim from the Boost Juice at the Westfield there.

  • +1

    I traded in my fruits for a free boost but wow I would never pay the $9 it cost for what I got.

    • Lol $9?? What could you have possibly ordered?!?
      Isn't a regular size like $7 lol..

      I traded mine in but I can only hold one free boost voucher at a time. Annoying.

      Tbh boost is a massive rip off but their product is quite nice.

      • +2

        Supreme protein smoothie something or rather. I asked the lady she said I could have anything from the menu, being an Ozb member I picked the most expensive thing I could see.

        • so what was the most expensive thing u picked?

      • Also just redeemed my 2nd voucher and it would not let me cash it in as I already had a voucher (although used). I had to mark it as redeemed in the find the fruit app. I wonder if you can hold multiple vouchers but just mark as redeemed? It doesn't delete it from the app so it is still scann-able, but it lets you redeem more free boost vouchers for fruit.

        Anyone has tried or can comment?

        • I'm not sure and quite frankly I don't want to try it - hard enough getting 10,000 fruits and then trying to get a voucher before they run out.
          It shows in the app still after you redeem it but if you try to do it twice it'll say it's already been used.

        • +1

          @pennypincher98: Well I just tried this morning and can confirm if you mark as redeemed in the find the fruits app it can still be used to get a free Boost. So just mark as redeemed and keep buying more free boost

        • @knobbs: great thanks for trying that out and letting me know, time to stock up!!

        • +2

          You can also screen print the voucher and then click redeemed on the app. That way you can just delete the photo once used .

          Also be careful as the vouchers have an expiry date

  • it's so hard to get a free boost! it keeps showing restocking. even when I waited the countdown and click on it, I still don't get it :(

    • +2

      Yeah I had the same problem. Then I just spoofed the GPS location to a different store.

  • Finally managed to get a free Boost! Thanks OP!!! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

  • +1

    Did anyone notice they changed the game? they added banana….not sure what for?

    • +1

      The banana is like a boomerang, if you throw it at the right angle it will ā€œburstā€ most of the fruits in your current round. Pretty cool I say!

  • +1

    Well itā€™s a shame that ended! I won 10 free boosts. I had an older glitchy version of the game and if I closed the app after claiming it didnā€™t take away my points!

  • Haven't gone into it but does the app still work?

    • +1

      I was getting server connection issues on the morning of the 28th.
      Not sure if that was just me though.

      • Pretty sure it's over and won't let you login now

        • I am still logged in, havent redeemed my boost and have 21k points :( hope this doesnt end soon.

        • @kza2610: haha wow if I was able to login I would be redeeming my points ASAP because the vouchers regardless of expiry date on there all expire at latest 3rd June.
          But you can't redeem your points because it's over :(

        • +1

          @pennypincher98: I last redeemed on Friday but I stupidly didn't press redeem on my coupon so the coupon I tried to snag was gone a few seconds after! They stopped it over the weekend :(

  • +1

    Great time waster on the train, shame it ended so quickly

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