½ Price McVities Digestive & Hobnobs Biscuit Varieties $1.85 @ Woolworths

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Why just the one?
One packet or perhaps one box. Remember - everything in moderation, including excess.
Didn't even realise there was a dark chocolate one. I'll have to go get some now.
imo, thats the best one.
Dark choc is amazing! But I like milk choc ones if I'm dipping them in tea
chocolate doesn't go with tea.
Please try dipping one in an unsweetened milk tea!
@jv: Could you try, just this once? For science! I like it in an Earl Grey but any breakfast or afternoon or similar black tea will do!
@jv: Oh no… I don't think that flavour combination will work too well. Do you work in an office that provides black tea and cow or soy/nut milk? You could bring some biscuits to work and try it out there! Alternatively sneak into a fancy office or gym and try it there!
Cheesecake time, everyone
Loacker wafers also half price and they are so tasty!!!! Omg!
Serious question, is there something in these that the name ‘digestives’ stems from?
Nothing says healthy digestion quite like heavily processed flour, oil and sugar.
I'm gonna shit like a champ tonight
no caramel? :(
The caramel are on special too :)
Man, this is gonna sound dumb but I wish these things weren’t so damn morish. So good.
The McVites Digestive normal biscuits were half price too
Ouch that sounds like a lot of fat.
This is a proper biscuit! Reminds me of my childhood. The milk chocolate digestive is always voted the number 1 biscuit for dunking in tea in by the Great British people.
I was with you until the "dunking in tea part". It's Ginger Nuts for that. Nothing else has the structural fortitude to stand up to the rigours of a good tea bath.
These used to be 500gms, they shrunk 20% and kept the same price.
Same brand, different biscuits.
"McVitie's is shrinking the size of a packet of Digestives because of price increases caused by the Brexit drop in the pound, it claims. … A packet of Digestives will be shrunk by 20%, from 500g (17oz) to 400g (14oz), equivalent to removing seven biscuits from a pack of 34.Jan 19, 2018"
Worlds best biscuits
Were $1.87 @half price last week at Coles.
Love dark chocolate one