Cheap price from Amazon - closest on eBay is $119
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Includes 7 minifigures: 4 police officers and 3 crooks, plus a police dog figure.
Extend the cherry picker to put the dynamite in the vent. Blow the wall off the cell with the dynamite to free the crook. Raise the garage door, push the lever and launch the police pursuit car.
Accessory elements include 3 sets of handcuffs, 2 walkie-talkies, megaphone, 4 mugs, camera, lollypop stop sign, crowbar, wrench and 2 dynamite sticks. This set offers an age-appropriate build and play experience for ages 6-12.
Police Station measures over 9” (24cm) high, 14” (36cm) wide and 14” (36cm) deep. Helicopter measures over 3” (8cm) high, 7” (20cm) long and 1” (4cm) wide. Police pursuit car measures over 1” (4cm) high, 4” (12cm) long and 1” (5cm) wide. Police motorbike measures over 1” (3cm) high, 2” (7cm) long and under 1” (2cm) wide. Crooks' truck measures over 2” (6cm) high, 4” (12cm) long and 1” (5cm) wide.
Features a 3-section Police Station, police helicopter, police pursuit car, police motorbike and crooks’ truck. Police Station features 3 levels, including 2 jail cells with toilets, vent with opening grill and exploding wall function, rooftop helipad, satellite dish and antenna, searchlights, ramp, garage with tools and opening door, watchtower, overhead walkway, 3 offices and a barrier gate. Helicopter features spinning rotors and an opening cockpit. Crooks’ truck features a rotating, extendable cherry picker.
I wanted this since I was 8. I believe this is cheaper since then (1992 prices) 8-)