Best Solution to Keep Flies and Mozzies at Bay

Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone has a good solution to keep flies and mozzies at bay? Ever since getting a dog flies and mozzies are flying into my house as I need to open the door for my dog to go outside..

I've looked into the Mortein outdoor automatic fly and mozzie spray but I'm concerned leaving it outdoors as its flammable (my backyard gets a lot of sun during the day)..

Does anyone here have a better solution then the automatic spray?

Thanks heaps!!


  • +1

    Maybe not the most effective, but I've heard lavender oil can keep mosquitoes away. Also consider a smaller door specifically for the dog and also ensure the area does not end up getting easily damp.

    • +1

      Thats a great natural idea, thanks :)

  • clean you dog more often

    • haha he had a bath 1 weeks ago… and I intend to bath him this week.. I heard dogs are suppose to only bath once a month.. >.<

  • +3

    What about installing a dog door?

    • Yup I'm looking into it, its just a pain as I have 1 solid wooden door and 1 security/flyscreen door.

      • I installed my cat flap in a low window. See if you have any windows near the floor that would work.

  • +1


  • +4

    Tell them to shoo

    • …fly don't bother me, I don't want your company!

      • I wish it was that easy.. .>.<

  • flyscreens

    • Yup i've got it already, problem is by pup takes forever to go into house/going out … so the flyscreen door doesnt exactly work >.<

      • +1

        Then buy an air curtain, that blows air over the doorway, like in shops/butchers etc, that way the mossies are blown away before they can enter. A cheaper solution is to have a ceiling fan just by the doorway, that will improve things - although not as effective. (must be outside not on inside) Prices arent really "cheap"

        Alternatively you can buy one of the magnetic door screens

        See example…

        You could even make this up to cover a doggy door

  • Venus fly trap plants?

    • I saw them in Coles last night, do they actually work?

      Trapping the flies inside a jar hmmmm

    • I got the pitcher plants, they ate so much insects and are growing like crazy. I think I need more pitchers.

  • We use a citronella oil lamp.
    Heres a video on how to make a cheap one

  • +1

    I havent found an effective solution , but one thing that helps is to limit the puddles of water around your house, because thats where they breed/lay their eggs. The only water that should be around is for your dog and that should be changed out at least daily. Look for puddles after rain , its often where you lease expect it (eg. pots lying around that has gathered some water).

    Maybe you can get one of those small doggy doors for him/her to enter/exit themselves rather than opening the entire door.

    There are also some essential oils you can get like mentioned above - but i dont find them very effective. We used to add a couple of drops into a water vaporiser . i dont know how effective it is but i still got bites.

    • Thanks so much for your reply.

      I'm pretty certain there arent any puddles of water around my backdoor.. Come to think about it, next to my backdoor is a lavender potplant… its clearly not keeping any insects at bay -_-

      yeh i am thinking about it… but cutting into 2 doors will be a pain, also hes a small 11 week old corgi who can't walk down the 3 steps himself >.<

      Poor you! I've been using aeroguard .. but its just not enough as they fly into my house .. I've just bought an outdoor spray at coles, you need to spray it around the perimeter and its suppose to deter those pesky insects for 6 months… i'll keel you updated if it works :)

      • Doesn't have to be near the door, anywhere in a 20m* radius will create new mosquitoes near you. If your neighbours have any ponds ask them to put goldfish in them.

        *made up distance but you get the idea - mozzies can fly

  • Can't you train your dog to open and close the door themselves?

    • Haha i wish, hes an 11 week corgi who can't even go down the backdoor steps himself.

      I've been trying to train him, but hes too scared…

      However he can run up but he needs to run in a circle and launch himself like a plane, its so cute!

  • If you don't want to install a dog door - eg rented accommodation, creat or buy a heavy piece of soft flyscreen or shade cloth and hook it with a couple of hooks over the door way. Cut it to size, maybe with some overlap. (If it is too light attach some sort of weights) Then teach dog to push through it giving treats etc until he is used to it. Unhook the screen when you need door securely shut. Or even a temporary hanging curtain.

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