Hi everyone,
My husband left our Phillip steam station on and since it was in a separate room which we don't use often I didn't notice. Our Philips steam generated iron was over 7 years old and I loved it. But now this one is not working properly so I need to find a replacement. I am afraid I'm not too keen on the new Philips irons which are similar because you don't control the heat but use more steam. So I'm wondering if people who have used these fancy new irons are happy with their iron and I'd be interested if it is easy to get creases out of cottons and jeans? This time I'm looking at purchasing one that turns off so it's quite expensive being around $399 and that's after the $100 cash back. I can't afford a Laura Star and I seriously feel I'd never get the use out of such an expensive iron. Can you give me your input about whether you've been happy with your steam generated iron and recommend brands. It seems there isn't a lot of choice….there's Phillips, Braun and Tefal. Thanks for sharing your experience with me.
Have You Had a Good Experience with a Steam Generated Iron

Last edited 16/04/2018 - 18:13 by 1 other user
I have a Tefal steam generator iron, it's great.
Would never get a regular iron ever again.Even the maid is a great fan of it.
I have a Tefal too and love it (sigh … middle age)
There was a time irons were not so important to me
What model Tefal would you recommend?
Do you really need it, I have seen people advertising ironing services for $15 a basket. At that rate you'd need to do 27 baskets to show a profit with buying your own, not to mention the amount of time spent ironing and the cost of electricity. If you had one basket every two weeks worth of ironing you wouldn't start to be ahead until after a year.
Assuming someone with a family irons once a week, after six months the iron has paid for itself, not taking into account electricity. The previous iron lasted seven years.
Do you have a whole basket of ironing to do every week? What if you invested in wrinkle free clothes instead? I mean if you really love ironing then go ahead - there's cheaper and easier ways to have unwrinkled clothes to wear though.
Very easily for a family of five to have a whole basket of ironing. When you wear uniforms, you don’t get to choose the fabric. School button up shirts, McDonald’s uniforms for teenage son… A bit simplistic to say invest in wrinkle free clothing , many people don’t get a choice.
We have one of the new Philips irons where you don't control the heat. Can confirm it hasn't damaged a piece of clothing yet. Would highly recommend it.
Anyone got any recommendations for an iron that’s good at getting wrinkles out of business shirts. Bought a few Edward Stripe business shirts recently and the Russell Hobbs iron I’ve got just doesn’t get the wrinkles out no matter how long I iron a shirt.
I once had a hot and steamy experience with one.