Hey guys. I'll be doing a purchase of nintendo eshop cards after last year's JB/EB discount.
What's the best way to bargain the system for these? Any rumours for eshop card sales floating Around?
NS Discounted E-Shop Cards - any tips?

Because I like money…
why not buy carts? cheaper and you can resell them if you really like money
Not like you can walk into a store and buy Golf Story on a cart.
@tomkun01: not cheaper, it's the only way to get them, they aren't available physically. If you know someone who is secretly printing Yooka Laylee carts please tell me, I would much rather have a physical copy :-p
@Quantumcat: Playtonic mentioned 'We haven’t ruled out doing a physical release in future and would strive to make sure it would have added value which takes time to get right." and they just recently announced 'extra content' for the game.
Personally I'm waiting, don't want it to be like sonic mania where a physical release was announced a week after I caved and bought the eshop version :(
I think the best way to get them during the times without sales is probably the Wish gift cards through Woolworths, for 5% off. Other than that, just wait to buy more in the next sale from JB/EB/etc.
I'd like to be proved wrong!