• expired

Telecube NBN - No Setup - 100/40 1000GB $75/Month


Hello again Ozbargainers .. we've dropped the setup fee completely for this one.

Please click through the offer link below or click the [Go To Deal] button on the right to go to the offer page, you need to click through one of the offers on that page to get the special pricing.

Ozbargain No Setup Offer

The top plans in each speed tier:
100/40 1000GB $75/month
50/20 1000GB $65/month <== best value
25/5 1000GB $55/month

HUGE offpeak allowances and unmetered uploads.

Unmetered uploads.

Note: If you are on HFC please contact support before placing an order, in most cases we are unable to fast churn HFC services and downtime can be 1 - 2 weeks.

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closed Comments

        • You can yes, leave details in the notes when adding the service please about the date you want the service to go live

        • Browse the rep's posting history. TC has a new deal every other week. If you miss out this time, there'll be another and it might even be better.

          The end date might not actually be the plans, just the free signup.

  • How has everyone gone getting connected? I did mine Saturday but not connected yet.

    • I signed up just under a week ago for the last deal, I think it was less than 4 hours from signup to being connected. FTTN replacing an existing connection.

    • I have FTTP. I signed up on a Thursday afternoon and the service was running the next morning.

    • We are catching up on orders from the weekend and we processed yours this morning I expect.

  • Thanks for the replies. That's what I was expecting really, its being connected to a FTTP house that only had the last ISP disconnected 2 weeks ago. I thought it was all automated.

    • That's rather odd. Are you trying to connect it to the same NTD port? You have have multiple, simultaneous connections with FTTP. I'd email support and see the progress of your order. Only reason I could see there being a delay, outside unique reasons, is that they don't do provisions over the weekend— if that's true, then maybe it'll be ready later today or tommorow.

      • I have no idea what NTD port they are planning to use, I guess they will let me know once its set up.

        They did email me earlier today to let me know it had been ordered, and that they will let me know once its done. Seems very manual and slow for an automated system

        • They may be trying to put it on the same port you've left— that may be the reason for the delay, though I couldn't see why. When I'm leaving a provider, I don't disconnect until the new service is up and running.

        • @The Question: We'll provision a new service on the next available port for fttp

        • @telecube: That's nice to know, but bgktmxg is the one with the connection question— heh— not me. I was just giving him my 2c

  • HI I just got an email saying that my connection has been provisioned and I was told that I was provided with username and password for PPPOE.

    1. Does it mean I can connect to the internet already?
    2. Can I configure my modem myself? I am using D-Link GL225 and have put in the password for WAN but I still has no internet connection.

    Please someone help me. Thank You very much!

    • You need to use the pppoe details that you entered when adding the service to your account. You can find them in the portal in the manage screen for the nbn service if you didn't write them down.

      If you were using the modem with another provider it will be a good idea to factory reset it.

      Most modems have a wizard or quick setup that will lead you through the setup, try to find that.

  • Hi Rep,

    Just signed up for FTTN last night and ended up cancelling my ADSL plan from another provider. How many days am I expecting to wait for a NBN technician to successfully connect me through the nearest node?

    • +1

      You shouldn't cancel your adsl until the nbn service is up and running. it will normally take 8 - 10 business days before an nbn tech will get out to your address and switch you across

      • I didn't want to pay for another month as the next bill period started today. Thanks for the info!

  • I signed up through the previous offer a week ago and added a note for my service to be provisioned today, which hasn't happened yet. I used the contact form on your website to ask if their was a reason for the delay. I've read references to a ticket number being provided, which I also haven't received.

    Was I supposed to email directly to your email address?

    • msg me your details pls and i will take a look

      • Nevermind, internet went down a few minutes ago and order status has been changed from pending to ordered.

  • hi op, how do I know whether I need to pay for the new development cost? I'm currently using adsl2. I received notice from telstra that I have fttn in my area since Jan

    • If have ever had any kind of internet or telephone service at the address at any time then you won't have to pay the new dev fee.

      • thanks

      • Hi rep, am looking at new install of fixed wireless at a semi-rural property that we have just bought. Never has had NBN at the address, but likely has had copper land line connected. WOuld this incur new development cost? I understand NBN will have ttheir techo attend and install hardware etc. THanks….BTW when does this deal expire?

  • I believe the same principal applies but to be sure please send an email to support at telecube dot com dot au and include your address details and ask the question.

    The deal expires on Sunday

  • One last question (hopefully - sorry for that), I couldn't find much info about the home phone information.

    Will I keep my existing home phone number using the offer plan or I have to subscribe different plan (such as add on)?

    • you can port your existing number across if you want to, there will be a $16.50 port fee and you need to add the port request in the portal in the Services section > Add New you'll see a local number porting option.

      • i.e. new number is free?

        • yep no charge for a new number

        • @telecube:

          Thanks for your help, just waiting for connection now.


  • I signed up around 4pm-ish yesterday, was switched over by 6pm but sadly found out that my TPG supplied modem seems to be locked to TPG. Luckily I have a workmate in my street that had a spare modem and I was able to get it up and running by 8pm. Speeds seem similar to what I was getting previously.

    Now I'm just hoping that TPG don't charge me for another month.

  • anyone has the experience of using tg789vac from myrepublic branded for telecube? is it locked to myrepublic and useless to telecube?

    • whirlpool forum stated ok, but restricted firmware make it useless…..

      • @Make it so: Yeah it's possible according to some other users.

        • yeah, but the modem firmware can't be upgraded and will be plagued with wifi issue.
          iinet and internode have provided latest firmware for TG789VAC where myrepublic still at 3 or 4 firmware slower/ old

  • OP, FTTC NBN has just started in my area and will be available progressively from Jun 2018.

    Can I pre order now to take advantage of the offer? Thanks

    • +1

      You can, please note that there may also be delays before we can provision FTTC too, we're not exactly sure at this stage.

      • Thanks for your prompt response; if you still haven't provisioned for fttc once it is available in my area, can I cancel the contract?

        • You can cancel and get a refund if we haven't already ordered the service yes.

        • @telecube: great thanks for the clarification

  • Mr telecube rep, Question re connecting:

    i have adsl (1.5Mbit) on copper pair, via aanet, however phone is via telstra.
    telecube support suggest 60Mbit nbn

    on another line which had our second phone on it, has now been disconnected (no phone anymore)

    i wish to port home phone number and get nbn.

    so should i get nbn connected to "unused" line or just apply for a nbn connection and number port from "main line" and use a voip service?

    cant lose the phone number……

    • It depends on your NBN service type, do you know what it is?

      • FTTN…

        • +1

          Ok, if you are able to provide the number that was/is on the unused line when you are adding the service we should be able to provision the service on that and then you can port your fixed line number across to voip when it suits you. Keep in mind there is normally an 18 month cutoff date after the NBN goes live in your area.

          Alternatively we can port the number and transfer you to nbn at the same time.

  • Silly question but what is the difference from an end user point of view for FTTC( I know about fibre to the cabinet and connection by copper to the house and connected to the side of the house opposed to full modem in the garage like FTTN)… I mean what is the difference in regards to how you connect is there still a modem with multiple ports or you just connect your own like a normal ADSL connection .. I bought a Dlink Taipan but couldnt find how the FTTC differs from FTTN so was just hoping it is suitable for connecting. .. I'm in the same boat as a few on here FTTC June 22nd West Melbourne …. will there be another special offer at the price you had before .. EOFYS please.

    • So much of what you said is incorrect, but anyways. Read here and here. All you need is a router with a WAN port.

      • Cool thanks for that what is wrong with what i said… (I'm not being a smart ass genuine question) .. Friends who have the NBN locally only have FTTP so they have the box in the garage that has the modem and the DPU attached to the wall and the little fibre cable straight in. After watching the video the only thing i was wrong on is I thought they installed the DPU on the outside of your home opposed to the garage with FTTC.. but that seems to be for FTTN which depends on the installer can be where it is convenient to them.

        My understanding was they ran the fibre from the exchange to the Cabinet/POI at the bottom of the street and normal copper line is used from Cabinet to a DPU installed next to the telstra box at the side of the home, I just wasn't sure if there was a modem installed inside here too.. but reading the link and the video there is nothing installed to the side of the home .. so all I need is the nbn box and a VDSL modem which the Taipan is.. thanks for the links

        • After watching the video the only thing i was wrong on is I thought they installed the DPU on the outside of your home opposed to the garage with FTTC.. but that seems to be for FTTN which depends on the installer can be where it is convenient to them.

          There is no DPU (NBN refer to it as the 'NBN Utility Box' and the internal as the 'NBN Connection box' for FTTP). This doesn't need a 'modem' at all, there's no such thing with FTTP. With FTTC nothing on your end changes at all, not where the existing Telstra Madison box (or if you don't have one, the first connection point in your home is the network termination point is that). All you're given in the reverse power unit (which the link I gave you shows) to which you plug a router with a WAN port into, even if you have a tradition VDSL modem, the modem part does literally nothing for FTTC as that's what the NBN Connection box basically does.

          My understanding was they ran the fibre from the exchange to the Cabinet/POI at the bottom of the street and normal copper line is used from Cabinet to a DPU installed next to the telstra box at the side of the home, I just wasn't sure if there was a modem installed inside here too

          Your terminology is incorrect. The POI with the NBN is the Point of Interconnect (where there's only 121 of them around the country). With FTTC they run fibre to your closet pit and terminate the fibre to the DPU in the pit as you said and then your existing copper line stays the same.

          Only FTTN/FTTB need their own VDSL2 modem. Everything else just needs a router with a WAN port.

        • @Porthos:

          Sorry yeah your right my terminology is dog sh!t after that explanation that's what you get from browsing whirlpool and other forums for relevant info.. my understanding isn't too far off. My assumptions and wording needs some work (maybe a lot).

          I did pop off the covers of the in of the FTTP premise I was staying at .. the fibre cable comes in to what looks like a laptop power supply (that's the Utility Box yeah) and that is wired up to what I thought was a modem (This is the NBN Connection Box)as it had 4 UDI points and that was hard wired in to the houses inbuilt switch panel and a modem was connected in the living room .. which could just have been performing as a WAP now I think about it.

          Whereas for my FTTC I will just need the NBN Connection Box inbetween my current taipan and phone line… that's great thank you. In my head I just thought cabinet as in the standalone box at the bottom of the street where you see telstra techs working .. is that phone lines and DSLAM at the end of the street… opposed to a proper pit like you'd see in the CBD.

          On the plus side I've struggled to get away from my optus sagemcom modem I've tried at keast 6 others and they just wouldn't authenticate the username and password… Optus doesn't support other devices… installed the taipan using the wizard and it worked straight off the bat .. no more wap's and the ARC poisoning warnings because you get dup IP's from it pretending as the optus device doesnt allow bridge mode. Thanks for the info. it wqas cool reading up on the route the NBN traffic goes and the 121 POI's

          thanks mate.


  • Second day using Telecube, not very impressed with quality of service. I’m right next to my node and get over 100mbps sync and currently I am getting 25mbps down and 0.02mbps up. Never had this issue with the previous provider.

    • If you're in Qld we have a network issue at the moment, you should be seeing better speeds now. Apologies for the inconvenience.

      • Thanks for the response and yes i am in Qld.. its worsened after midnight and right now I am getting 13mbps

        • Since I had started using Telecube my pings have been worse than compared to the previous provider. I use to get under 15ms to any Brisbane server with Speedtest, now I am always getting over 100ms.

        • @mangolassi: We're currently running Qld services through Melbourne which is why you are seeing high ping times, it should be resolved today. Apologies for the inconvenience.

        • @telecube: 3rd day of using your service, I havent seen my connection speeds reach its potential speeds. I am currently getting below 30mbps, paying for a 100mbps connection and its the morning. I will be negging this deal and will be seeking a refund because I am not getting anywhere close to what I am paying for. Never had these speeds with my previous provider

        • @mangolassi: message me your details please and I'll cancel and refund your money

        • @telecube: I have emailed your [email protected] email address.

  • Hi OP, I would like to sign up with the no set up fee however my current plan from my current provider is ending the 9th of May, is there a way to sign up now and have the service start on the 10th? cheers.

    • You can yes, just include details in the notes about the date you want the service to go live.

  • Hi OP, I have just signed up but I think I may have access the wrong page as it is showing $49 set up fees for me. I want to sign up to this deal. I have tried to change the plan to this one but I couldn't. And I would like to set a date to go live. Could you please help? Thank you

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