Why are some people scanning barcode of products & taking pics using some app in their phones in Woolworths, what are they doing?
Why Are Some People Scanning Barcode of Products & Taking Pics Using Some App in Their Phones in Woolworths?

Last edited 13/04/2018 - 17:48 by 1 other user
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best price comparison apps please
Fitness/Diet app to get calories because they're still stuck believing the carbohydrate ideology.
I saw a person scanning baby formula and diapers they were not food items
How is baby formula not a food item?
If it was made in china.
*shots fired*
What is the 'carbohydrate ideology'?
Carbohydrates are a commie plot to weaken Western civilisation so it can be crushed and our blood used to stain the flags carried by our glorious comrades as they march into…. er what?
Or a plot by our corporate overlord to fatten us up so we become lazy and buy more stuff, in cohorts with so-called 'bargain' sites that are anything but.
Or a loonie left liberal politically correct plot to achieve something or other.
But probably it's the fault of the Jews.
Fight the carbs, sheeple!
Wrong D C. It's the Russian bots again.
this was the response i was looking for, thank you comrade <3
Paul Joseph Watson, is that u?
@kenunderscore: Sleep well, comrade; for tomorrow the mighty eagle shall spread its wings and descend upon Woolworths.
We will fight them in the deli, we will fight them near the frozen pizzas, and we will fight them in the confectionery aisle.
We shall not surrender until our demands are met: the fall of capitalism, the damnation of carbs, the return of lemon & lime flavours to Life Savers and once again being able to buy a gift card with a gift card (don't forget CashRewards!), and make it 10% off!
These vultures will disappear one of these days, and the sun will still shine forever!
So it was, so it is, and so it always will be!
who are you to question them?
(It is just above the text you quoted)
If you are having trouble navigating this website then Talk With A Mod (TWAM)
youve edited that 3 times, i think you need some lessons in making one post.
What do you think the edit button is there for?
@Drew22: The edit button is there to be loved and nurtured like a new born baby, all sticky and slippery. Not held aloft like a winning raffle ticket at a school fete.
What a stupidly unnecessarily snarky reply.
You must be new here.
Ask them is the obvious response
Catching pokemons???
The user can also post and share their own labels. For example, the Rainforest Action Network has "labelled" a Kellogg's granola bar with information about the company's new commitments to reduce its impact on the environment.
Hmm. Why does this sound suspiciously like Kelloggs is pulling themselves up by their grassroots.
I saw the same today, Asian fella down in the Baby tin food isle taking photos and jotting notes
Yeh, that was me in the baby tin food aisle. Anyway Godric, what were you doing with 12 packs of condoms, A roll of clingfilm and a bottle of Johnson's baby oil?
hey, a guy gets lonely some times. Let him be
I noticed him staring as I was carrying out my daily baby food activities, I also noticed his trolley of sin making it's way to supermarket hell.
Checking current market price for reselling of formula?
For the Chinese semi-illegal export trade. Big money to be had sending formula to China due to Chinese not trusting baby formula made in China after the babies over there were killed and struck with health problems from dodgy Chinese suppliers. Chinese will not touch Chinese milk products for their babies so they get them semi-illegally from Hong Kong and other countries such as Australia via baby formula mules and distributors. People here are making a ton of money shipping to China, even when they pay retail prices to buy it. It's complete madness, but has been going on for a long time.
We use an app to get an assessment of gluten risk.
Which app? I need something for dairy.
Gluten free eating directory app tells you where to buy stuff
foodswitch is the one we use by scanning barcodes. Very useful for coeliacs. I don’t know if it does dairy, but I assume there is a similar app.
Does it mention bacon? I noticed this morning that our bacon is labelled gluten free. It made me wonder what others are making bacon out of??
My fitness pal app
After all these years of using MFP I didn't know about the scanning feature.
Thanks.wow. it's the best bit
I get paid to do it by a marketing company that on-sells the data to the ABS to calculate the consumer price index.
As a diabetic there is an App I can use to check what is the better foods for ms to eat.
Mystery Shoppers get paid about 5 dollars for completing surveys while in the store.
Finance apps have suddenly become popular. They can break down your spend and show how much you are spending on avocados.
My daughter has a scanning program that informs her of the suitability of a product, or otherwise, for her very celiac son, my grandson. Essentially it checks products against a database for ingredients containing gluten and similar products.
I’m interested in this.
What is a very coeliac (person), please? Isn’t a person either a coeliac or not a coeliac? How can someone be very coeliac?
My friend's family is very coeliac, but his test was inconclusive. He doesn't feel good when he eats gluten, but he still drinks beer sometimes. I guess he is a little coeliac? It's like Schroedinger's cat I guess. Schroedinger's coeliac
To be honest I should have said totally gluten intolerant rather than very celiac. As you'd know there are degrees of gluten intolerance but no degrees of celiac disease.
It could be they are scanning products into a shopping app.
I have done it to contend any price arguments on specials at the checkout.
You know the woolies app lets you scan items so you can create a shopping list??? It's probably them creating a weekly shopping list so things are entered in each time they shop.
Perhaps: https://www.economist.com/news/asia/21732127-how-firms-down-…
"THE first daigou, meaning someone who makes purchases on another’s behalf, were Chinese students studying abroad, who hauled desirable products home on behalf of family and friends. Adding a commission helped them pay their tuition fees. The spread of social-networking apps such as WeChat, China’s most popular, brought the business online. Daigou could then offer their services to friends of friends, and promote items they thought might appeal to their network. But whereas daigou in America and Europe procure mainly luxury goods for their customers—a function of high Chinese tariffs—in Australia they buy mainly vitamins, food and beauty products. And whereas luxury brands see daigou as a menace, undercutting sales in China, Australian firms have come to embrace them.
There are perhaps 50,000 daigou, stalking the aisles of Australian shops and periodically stripping them bare. The small fry alone post 60,000 parcels to China every day. The biggest have grown into organised export businesses which funnel goods through China’s free-trade zones. Express delivery services to China have proliferated, and some 1,500 stores in Australia cater mainly to daigou. One such chain, AuMake, recently listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. Its bilingual sales staff can arrange for a purchase to be posted to China as soon as it has been rung up…"
Price comparison app most likely.