Sleepless. Help

Been waking up most mornings 2, 3,4am. Sleeping from say 10.30pm so only getting 4-5 hours sleep.

Problem is I can't get back to sleep. Partner snores. Out in the living room on couch the fridge or clock makes noise and too much light gets in. Need to wake up at 6 for work. It's like when I use to wake when I had little ones. Bit over it. Feel it's starting to affect my day to day mood.

Thoughts ideas appreciated.


    • I think it would be a skill for those that sleep in noisy environments. Some noise would work as white noise. Maybe the constant blowing up of bad guys was soothing to your ears. If I'm tired enough I will go to sleep. That's not my problem. Its staying in the deep sleep zone to not wake up mid way through. Then not getting back to sleep. Managed to get back to sleep after a 10min wake up this morning and slept for another 1.30min. Getting there. Just need to break the wake up bid mid way through. Target to get min 7hours daily as a block. No there yet.

      • +1

        I personally think your on the right track, looking at modifying ur life/routine rather than looking at partners snoring. I suspect he/she has been snoring longer than you have been waking up unexpectedly. Who knows.. may be he/she is poking you with the stick cause you are snoring and then pretending to go to sleep by snoring cause he/she's not sure how to approach this without offending you.

        I did used to use a snoring monitor on my own phone to track my own snoring, I suppose it could help you identify if there is a noise related trigger thats waking you up. I personally wake up regularly at the same time everyday regardless of when I sleep, and struggle to sleep in when I want to. I think the biggest barrier for me, is once I'm awake, internal thoughts keep me from focusing on sleep. Sometimes white noise in the form of twitchtv helps, other times its a lot of mental frustration/concentration to eliminate thought but I think it does help.

        Anyway good luck.

        • I had a good conversation with partner as she was wondering why I slept in other room. She wondeted if it was her snoring. She actually said I should poke her to get her to move to her side. Shes going to see if she can find a mouth guard. Didnt push anything, but if works for her might try it as well.

          I am totally the same in terms of once up cant sleep again. Last night when to bed 9.30 wode up 2.30. Tossed for an hour. Moved to other room. Then probably stayed awake most of time till 6. This was also trying natural sleep tabs. Frustrating. Other room alot quieter. Have earplug and eye mask.

          Chucking some laps around park during break. In office so not much acrivity.

  • By the way my partner said I sleep very well om holidays. No stress from work.

  • Hey OP how's it been going?

    • Still mixed sleep blocks. I am managing to get back to sleep when I wake up eventually. Still alot of work to do. Last 3 days over 6hrs to 7.But before that 5hours. Thanks for asking.

    • Then after posting reply yesterday I only managed to get 3hours sleep last night before waking up. rolled around for an hour. Got up. Went to other area. Stayed awake for another hr. Think I did get some sleep in the end, but suspect not all that great. Feel like Ive been up all night.

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