Source: Pental ASX Announcement
Who would actually use flushable wipes? I mean isn't that a baby product?
Source: Pental ASX Announcement
Who would actually use flushable wipes? I mean isn't that a baby product?
that's what I mean, wet wipes are usually babies product. I didn't think it could morph into other use around the house.
The instructions on the packaging of the product now says "dispose in the bin".
I think at one stage they probably advertised that you could, if you were lazy, just discard them into the toilet which would cause some serious damage to the piping.
I use them myself in the kitchen to clean up after cooking to get rid of oils and cleaning the stove.
Yeah I remember the ad, flushable wipes.
Not sure my flatmate will allow me to start referring to myself as the white king, but am gonna try it.
I have a mate who works for council water services, he reckons wet wipes are a plague from Satan.
Amen bro.
The Antiwipe is coming!
Does he know Kenny?
if he's one of the unlucky fitters that has to pull ragged up sewer pump station pumps…. then i feel sorry for him ;)
Can confirm. The company I work for do a lot of work for the local councils around us and quite often this involves work on the “poo farm”. Most of the times it’s pulling the pumps apart and cleaning out the things that shouldn’t go down toilets. By far the biggest issue is “flushable wipes”. They dont break down and just form massive blockage lumps. (Edit: today I learned that these lumps are called “fatbergs”… )
I’m just glad I don’t have to work on site. I have delivered tools and parts out to the guys and seen these pumps and screens pulled out and the garbage that gets caught up in them…
Here’s your parts and tools boys! I’m out of here!
Who would actually use flushable wipes? I mean isn't that a baby product?
You can wipe more than just babies.
The possibilities are endless!
Wet wipes are they wet?
Wet wipes are for pussies.
Recycle your Daily Telegraph plz.
Wet wipes are for pussies.
What about the other sex?
Recycle your Daily Telegraph plz.
So you admit you have the hard copies, like you paid for?
There's a lot of people out there (myself not included) that use a wet wipe for the final wipe after hanging a turd. Problem is that they mix with fats from cooking in the sewage systems and create 'fatbergs'.
hanging a turd
Been a while since the last "back, sack & crack".
Anyway, I thought Pental made pens & pencils. Obligatory joke:
Q: What did the constipated mathematician do?
A: He worked it out with a number 2 pencil!
Q: What did the constipated mathematician do?
A: He worked it out with a number 2 pencil!
Case in point.
Who are flushing wet wipes?
Our research has estimated that 1 in 4 people in Sydney are flushing wet wipes, and 72% of people who flush wet wipes are unsure or think they're biodegradable. The key demographic of flushers are males aged 15-44. Who would have thought?
The key demographic of flushers are males aged 15-44. Who would have thought?
The key demographic of liars are women aged 0-99.
Where would men even carry wet wipes, in their hand bags? ¬_¬
These companies should really invest in getting bidet more popular in Aus instead of the so called flushable wet wipes.
Google "Fatberg"…
Good lord! There is even a Wikipedia page dedicated to “fatbergs”
Seen these first hand. Did t know they actually had a name… :D
6 August 2013: A fatberg roughly the size of a bus that weighed 15 tonnes (17 tons), consisting of food fat and wet wipes, was discovered in drains under London Road in Kingston upon Thames, London.
A 250-metre-long (820 ft) fatberg weighing over 140 tonnes (150 tons) was found under Whitechapel, London.[18] Even with workers working seven days a week at a cost of £1 million per month, officials said it could take as much as two months to destroy it
This one is probably the world record.
There was one in Newcastle, NSW, near where I live, and I remembered it making the news. Busted up the Eleebana poop works. That was about 1~2 tonnes…
Ever since having kids, i've found that having baby wet wipes always on hand is really handy. The best use is when you decide to eat ribs. Back on topic, never flush, always into the bin. Pack i'm looking at now says "do not flush, dispose with household waste.
These things aren't banned yet ,
you'll be paying in your rates bill.
so do they still make flushable wet wipes or have they been banned?
I'm in the process of moving house and found a a free sample pack that I found here. Reckon I might have a collector's item??
When wet wipes are outlawed, only outlaws will have wet wipes…
I'm brodening all the wipes I can find. When they are banned and the world decends into chaos, wet wipes will be the new world currency.
Forget gold or Bitcoin… Wet wipes is where it's at… Buy now and hodl.
PS: I don't think there have EVER been flushable wet wipes. Hence the fact companies are now being fined for bullshiting about their wipes flushability…
I'll never forget what happened to my friend who was using baby wipes. He did not know you should not flush them. Over several years he flushed them like toilet paper and they don't biodegrade like tissue paper. They eventually blocked his main drain pipe which connects to the street sewerage system. What started out as a blocked drain call out ended up being an $8k job where they had to bring in a digger to excavate his front yard to take apart the pipes, which all cracked to pieces on removal and needed replacing, and clear out what was left. They couldn't unblock it using the jet method and that metal snake thing because it had all snagged on tree roots which had broken into the piping. It was all built up over years and became a massive lump of a blockage.
$8,000 down the drain because of baby wipes……. don't ever flush them! I'm sure they are a large contributor to plumbing business income.
But baby wipes are incredibly handy in every day use. They clean up so many different things easily. They are probably similar to those KFC wipes but the KFC ones are quite scented.
baby product?
"White King Bathroom Wipes"
not really for babies.