• expired

110K QFF Points on Couples/Family Health Insurance Qantas Assure (60 Days)


Not a deal for everyone, however I stumbled across this deal, which I thought was pretty good.

Simply sign up on a couples or family Private Health Plan with Top hospital Cover and any extras cover and get 110K QFF points at the end of 60 days.

Whilst you will be paying more as it's top Hospital Cover, this only ended up being about $70per month each higher, so we will be out of pocket about $280 to score 110K points.

I will unlikely use the cover within the next 2 months, so this is probably more targeted at those who want a lot of points without having to sign up to another credit card deal.

Referral Links

Health Insurance: random (79)

5000 points for referrer and referee on select products. Details

Qantas Wellbeing App: random (521)

150 Points for the referrer (up to 20 times) and referee for signing up to the app.

Related Stores

Qantas Insurance
Qantas Insurance

closed Comments

  • So you keep it for 4 months and then move to another health fund?

    • +2

      2 months actually. (60 days).

  • Is there a minimum period we have to be on this cover for to be eligible for the points or is it just 60 days?

    What is the lowest premium to pay??

    • 60 days.

      Make sure you select top hospital cover (couples or families) and then the lowest extras cover.

      Mine was $75 pw divide the two of us, so $37.50 each pw.

      My previous policy was about $85per month, so it works out to be about $65 a month each out of pocket.

  • How did you get it to $280?
    With Top cover and basic extras (110k points), it's 340 monthly, $680 to score the points.

    • I think this was the shortfall from OP's current insurance premium vs Qantas premium

    • Not sure. Could be do to with age, and the discount with income being under 180K.

      I am 29, so relatively young. Also get the claim the bonus discount with income being below 180K joint.

    • My premium is $78pw, so yeah pretty much spot on.

  • I am getting $401 per month for top cover

  • Cheers

  • 481 for me with Family, that's double what I pay with HIF

  • It appears the OP calculated the marginal increase on each individual covered. But the you need couple or family cover to score the 110k QFF points, th marginal increase of the entire cover is more relevant in determining the “additional” cost of acquiring the points.

    • Well yeah, in our case it was about $70ea per month more expensive.

  • any waiting period??

    • All waiting periods waived if you currently hold health insurance.

      • wow really? what about those with 12 month waiting lists like for pregnancy and stuff?

        • that's if you have never held Private Health insurance before.

        • +2

          They will compare your current inclusions and those are waived, anything else has the waiting period.

        • @LoopyLou:
          We only have extras on private, so I suppose waiting periods on things like maternity still apply

    • only question is, I am planning to switch back to my current insurance after 2months.. …

      how will they calculate the waiting period…

  • It was 120k points until a few days ago

    • Ugh I know. When I realised I missed it, I thought there wouldn't be any offer. At least it only dropped 10K.

  • Possible or existing customers ?

    • I think it's only if you have held NIB and Assure within last 6 months.

      • +1

        NIB is one of the worst provider out there after Bupa.

  • Has anyone tried having 2 concurrent health insurance policies? I don't want to move to a new provider, but wouldn't mind 110k points for $280.

    • +1

      I know certain insurers allow you to put a policy on hold for overseas travel etc. You could also try ring up your current insurer and fill out a form and put it on hold for 2.5 months.

  • +3

    Don't want to be a party pooper but paying $600 all up for 110K points is a bit expensive.

    I was expecting a similar deal like this where I paid $7.55 per month for 3 months to score 30K Qantas points

    • +6

      Notice it was also me who posted that deal ;)

    • +1

      Remember the points can also be sold usually at around 1c per point to many members on here who will buy them. So you are still $500 ahead!

  • +1

    $644 for 2 months for 110k points. Hmmmm tempting but risky

    • Refer above haha.

  • +1

    Signed-up to the previous 120k offer. Planning to do 2 months and then leave for something else. I think purely from a points run it may not be totally worth it, but if you can utilise some extras whilst at it and then move onto the next offer with "bonus" then it should be worth it, need a bit of time to do it though. Just remember normally when we "pay" for insurance we don't get anything out of what we pay (unless we claim something, but it also means something bad has probably happened). So paying slightly more than what you would already be paying for anyway may make sense to some people (to get the points). Good luck.

    • Looks like only ambo is without waiting limits on extras. Do they do UBER?

  • Can anyone recommend any individual, basic health covers that have points bonuses? I have no private health cover but also need to fly at the end of the year - trying to kill 2 birds with one stone

    • +2

      Not something to rush into - it's not just a matter of points but availability. You say end of year, and that's also peak time as Christmas/NY holiday (which means bookings made already, and limited availability). If you're after a specific date and route, it may well already be gone. But depends what you're thinking of as you haven't mentioned that.

      Just trying to help in case you spend the money to join, wind up with points, then find you can't get whatever you're looking for…

      • Really good response, thanks!
        I'm trying to go to Hawaii in mid-october (~14-21st). I have 90k Amex points but I can't use them on jetstar, which is like $300 cheaper than every other airline.

        • +1

          Unless your gold or platinum your cutting it fine. Need to plan 11 months in advance if bronze or silver.

        • @Suspect420: So don't expect to use points at all?

        • +1

          Going out is probably fine (assuming just for 1, and from SYD), but coming back from HNL there's no availability between 16 and 25 October. You could do a one way and just buy the return trip, but not sure if it's worth the effort?

          FYI on the 14th going to HNL, QF3 is available in economy, would cost 35000 points, plus $226.34. At that cost, not much different from just buying a return fare. Business is over 70k, via Melbourne, and only on Jetstar so again would say it's not worth it.

        • +1

          @odysseus: Thanks heaps mate, looks like I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and go with Jetstar :(

  • Can you double dip a bit and get extra qantas points on an AmEx Qantas direct debit?

  • Too expensive even with the points to be considered

    • Maybe for some. But its costing me an extra $450 for the 60 days and I'm getting all the points required to fly 3 people return to Fiji. Something that was going to cost me over $1500. So well worth it for me.

      • $225 p/m for top hospital and extras, that's pretty cheap, what's the trick?

        • $450 EXTRA (on top of what I usually pay, and will be again after the 60 days)
          $97 a week - $44 (I usually pay)
          =$53x8.5 weeks
          =$450 EXTRA

  • Wait how are you getting $280. My premium was $600 for couple with top hospital and extras cover.

    • he did mention the cheapest extras cover. And $280 is the Difference between Qantas Assure vs his current insurance (instead of $280 being the actual premium)

      • Nope mine is $280 a month.

        • My premium was easily >400/month. do you mind sharing a lil bit about your info (State/age/rebate level) Did you get top hospital cover+ lowest extras cover for couple to get 110k?

        • @b0b0: I am 29, so relatively young. Also get the claim the bonus discount with income being below 180K combined.

        • @spuderump: I am also 29 and <180k income combined. I found the difference was due to state, I am in VIC but you’re in SA. Living in Melbourne makes me a more risky person? :(

  • +1

    FYI, Singles can get 55k points for Top hospital + any extras.

  • Anyway, thanks OP @spuderump. Went ahead and signed up for Singles Top Hospital + Basic Extras for $48 a week for $166 in profit.

    I am also expecting to use it soon for something that my ex-health insurance didn't cover, so a little bit extra profit there. Will downgrade/switch again after the two months. :)

  • Thanks op. Just switched from Medibank corporate top hospital and 70% extras to top hospital and basic extras. Difference of $80 per month so $160 in total for 110k qantas points. Very happy. Both of us early 30s, income < $180k, in Vic. Will switch back after 60 day waiting period.

  • Check the points that you obtained. I signed up for 55k points and they gave me 35k. Had to go to live chat and they said they'd fix it.

  • Anyone that has received the points, can you confirm if they come through on day 61 or does it take a few days/weeks?
    Also I think this deal should be updated. Now you can choose from an apple watch https://www.qantasassure.com/health-insurance/apple-watch-of… or UP TO 110k points. So that means if you choose a lower health insurance you can still get points. See the table here https://www.qantasassure.com/wellness/abouttheprogram when you click 'find out more'

  • The number of points has now dropped substantially from 110K to 50K. See https://www.qantasassure.com/wellness/abouttheprogram and click on the first "disclaimers" link, and clause 4 now says: "50,000 is the maximum number of bonus Qantas Points that can be earned upon purchase of Top Hospital and Top Extras Cover for Couples and Families."

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