Possibly targeted flash sale - 2 days only. I started using this app a few days ago and it works great - supports your snore control.
Premium features:
- trending area
- full history
- unlimited usage
- more recordings
- no ads
- and more…
Possibly targeted flash sale - 2 days only. I started using this app a few days ago and it works great - supports your snore control.
Premium features:
This is a lot cheaper than a wife. A Lot. Cheaper. By a LOT
Almost everyone snores mate. My partner started complaining about my snoring so I used the app to prove/disprove hypotheses. Tell you what, after a few nights I know my snoring is not bad at all and it’s more about her shallow sleep. The app can actually save your $$ spent on specialists which would examin you with a similar app/device.
Great app.
I'm pretty sure a doctor wouldn't be examining you with an app he downloaded for $6… And if they did, I'm glad I'm not seeing the same Dr as yours!
Take home sleep study equipment use to be about $200 a night to rent a few years ago. Don't know what the going rate is.
Sleep study at a lab use to be possible on health care. Again don't know what the going rate is.
Specialist appointments can be but rarely are bulk billed.
A real study measures oximetry (oxygen in your blood), brainwave patterns, heart rate. At a lab they also observe you with infrared cameras, and if you have sleep apnea a second night at the lab lets you try out different masks. They can distinguish much better than a CPAP if you have central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea or a mix. An in lab sleep study is definitely worth the time, expense and creepiness of having people watch you sleep.
No $6 app is going to do any of that.
good luck sleeping at said sleep study
Wrong. If you have bad sleep apnea good luck not falling asleep anywhere anytime. At a meeting. At the wheel. etc.
Btw I am speaking from experience regarding falling asleep at the lab. I did mine years before there was a home option. First morning after CPAP treatment the world looked surreal. I was pretty stuffed. If I hadn't gotten treatment I would have lost my job, or worse.
@Kossac: Plenty of people sleep just fine on a sleep study in a hospital. How do I know? Just had one.
Great app. Haven't seen on sale before. Helps identify contributing factors.
here's an idea - download the scales app and stand on your phone daily
Where did that come from?
I think high levels of psychosis are on display here.
With the new squeeze to activate Google Assistant feature built into some new phones, there is the potential for that to be a serious idea. Any suggestions on how I might be able to get a discounted patent on it?
IAP still showing as $12.99 for me?
Looks like it may be an offer for new users popping up after trial. The free version works for 5 days and then limitations appear (e.g. can’t use it for two consecutive days etc).
Ok, thanks.
So it's just an overnight recording app? I have a solution already - she's called a wife :)
More seriously, you should go see a doctor if you're snoring